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  • About VITACTIV
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New ways - for you and your health

Is it possible to improve very good quality products? Is that really feasible? And if so, how? This was the challenge we had to face. So we set ourselves the goal of making excellent nutritional supplements even better and more user-friendly for our own Vitactiv brand.

The result is our new Vitactiv product line: with higher ranges per product, stronger ingredient dosages and even gentler manufacturing processes during production - and all at a first-class price-performance ratio. Incidentally, all improved and new products will have a new look in future.

With Vitactiv products, you are choosing a first-class brand whose values are based on the following six pillars:

Salute. Naturalmente. Per tutti.

Integratori alimentari con ingredienti naturali, della migliore qualità, a prezzi accessibili a tutti: questa è in sintesi la filosofia del marchio Vitactiv. Sviluppiamo i prodotti Vitactiv con passione, partendo dall'obiettivo di sostenere la salute, passando per la composizione e il dosaggio dei prodotti, fino alla produzione, ai test e alla certificazione. E rendiamo tutto questo trasparente per i nostri clienti, in modo che possano fidarsi della crescente varietà di prodotti Vitactiv, che soddisfano quasi tutti i desideri in termini di supporto alla salute.

Health. Naturally. For everyone.

Nutritional supplements with ingredients from nature, in the best quality, at affordable prices for everyone - this sums up the philosophy of the Vitactiv brand. We develop Vitactiv products with passion - starting with the objective of health support, through the composition and dosage of the products, to production, testing and certification. And we make all of this transparent for our customers so that they can trust the ever-growing variety of Vitactiv products, which leave virtually nothing to be desired in terms of health support.

Salute. Naturalmente. Per tutti.

Integratori alimentari con ingredienti naturali, della migliore qualità, a prezzi accessibili a tutti: questa è in sintesi la filosofia del marchio Vitactiv. Sviluppiamo i prodotti Vitactiv con passione, partendo dall'obiettivo di sostenere la salute, passando per la composizione e il dosaggio dei prodotti, fino alla produzione, ai test e alla certificazione. E rendiamo tutto questo trasparente per i nostri clienti, in modo che possano fidarsi della crescente varietà di prodotti Vitactiv, che soddisfano quasi tutti i desideri in fatto di sostegno alla salute.

Dal cuore della natura

Per noi la naturalità è il punto di forza! Noi di Vitactiv ci affidiamo ai tesori della natura e confidiamo nei loro effetti benefici. Nella produzione dei nostri prodotti, diamo il massimo valore agli ingredienti naturali ed evitiamo tutti gli additivi non necessari. La nostra filosofia è chiara: se si ascolta la natura, si può vivere più sani e quindi più felici. Saremo lieti di offrirvi la migliore qualità e purezza, per un atteggiamento positivo nei confronti della vita!

From the heart of nature

Naturalness is the be-all and end-all for us! At Vitactiv, we rely on the treasures of nature and trust in their beneficial effects. When manufacturing our products, we place the highest value on natural ingredients and avoid all unnecessary additives. Our philosophy is clear: if you listen to nature, you can live healthier and therefore happier. We look forward to offering you the best quality and purity - for an all-round positive attitude to life!

From the heart of nature

Naturalness is the be-all and end-all for us! At Vitactiv, we rely on the treasures of nature and trust in their beneficial effects. When manufacturing our products, we place the highest value on natural ingredients and avoid all unnecessary additives. Our philosophy is clear: if you listen to nature, you can live healthier and therefore happier. We look forward to offering you the best quality and purity - for an all-round positive attitude to life!

Benessere per tutti

Crediamo che la salute e il benessere non debbano essere una questione di soldi. Per questo motivo, ottimizziamo costantemente i nostri processi produttivi per poter offrire i nostri prodotti a un prezzo equo.

Crediamo che tutti abbiano diritto a uno stile di vita sano. E facciamo tutto il possibile per rendere questo diritto accessibile al maggior numero possibile di persone. I nostri clienti possono contare su di noi per avere prodotti di altissima qualità a un prezzo equo, perché la salute deve essere accessibile a tutti.

Well-being for all

We believe that health and well-being should not be a question of money. For this reason, we are constantly optimizing our manufacturing processes in order to be able to offer our products at a fair price.

We believe that everyone has the right to a healthy lifestyle. And we do everything we can to make this right accessible to as many people as possible. Our customers can rely on us to provide them with products of the highest quality at a fair price - because health should be accessible to everyone.

Benessere per tutti

Crediamo che la salute e il benessere non debbano essere una questione di soldi. Per questo motivo, ottimizziamo costantemente i nostri processi produttivi per poter offrire i nostri prodotti a un prezzo equo.

Crediamo che tutti abbiano diritto a uno stile di vita sano. E facciamo tutto il possibile per rendere questo diritto accessibile al maggior numero possibile di persone. I nostri clienti possono contare su di noi per avere prodotti di altissima qualità a un prezzo equo, perché la salute deve essere accessibile a tutti.

La qualità è la nostra promessa

La qualità degli ingredienti è fondamentale per i benefici degli integratori alimentari. Per questo motivo, come produttori utilizziamo solo ingredienti naturali e di alta qualità, accuratamente armonizzati tra loro. Non utilizziamo additivi artificiali o ingredienti geneticamente modificati.

I nostri prodotti sono fabbricati sotto stretti controlli e regolarmente testati per verificare l'assenza di impurità e sostanze nocive. Vogliamo offrirvi integratori alimentari sicuri e ben tollerati e fornirvi una consulenza completa.

La qualità è la nostra promessa

La qualità degli ingredienti è fondamentale per i benefici degli integratori alimentari. Per questo motivo, come produttori utilizziamo solo ingredienti naturali e di alta qualità, accuratamente armonizzati tra loro. Non utilizziamo additivi artificiali o ingredienti geneticamente modificati.

I nostri prodotti sono fabbricati sotto stretti controlli e regolarmente testati per verificare la presenza di impurità e sostanze nocive. Vogliamo offrirvi integratori alimentari sicuri e ben tollerati e fornirvi una consulenza completa.

La qualità è la nostra promessa

La qualità degli ingredienti è fondamentale per i benefici degli integratori alimentari. Per questo motivo, come produttori utilizziamo solo ingredienti naturali e di alta qualità, accuratamente armonizzati tra loro. Non utilizziamo additivi artificiali o ingredienti geneticamente modificati.

I nostri prodotti sono fabbricati sotto stretti controlli e regolarmente testati per verificare la presenza di impurità e sostanze nocive. Vogliamo offrirvi integratori alimentari sicuri e ben tollerati e fornirvi una consulenza completa.

With love & passion

We are not just a manufacturer of food supplements - we live and love our products and want to offer you and all other customers only the best. Our products are made with high-quality, carefully selected ingredients and are precisely tailored to our customers' needs.

We believe in the positive impact of our supplements on your life and every day we use our passion and creativity to develop more products that enrich your life.

Mit viel Liebe & Leidenschaft

Wir sind nicht nur Hersteller von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln – wir leben und lieben unsere Produkte und möchten dir und allen anderen Kunden nur das Beste bieten. Unsere Produkte werden mit hochwertigen, sorgfältig ausgewählten Inhaltsstoffen hergestellt und genau an den Kundenbedürfnissen ausgerichtet.

Wir glauben an die positive Wirkung unserer Nahrungsergänzungen für dein Leben und setzen jeden Tag unsere Leidenschaft und Kreativität dafür ein, weitere Produkte zu entwickeln, die dein Leben bereichern.

Con amore e passione

Non siamo solo un produttore di integratori alimentari: viviamo e amiamo i nostri prodotti e vogliamo offrire a voi e a tutti gli altri clienti solo il meglio. I nostri prodotti sono realizzati con ingredienti di alta qualità e accuratamente selezionati, e sono esattamente adattati alle esigenze dei nostri clienti.

Crediamo nell'impatto positivo dei nostri integratori sulla vostra vita e ogni giorno usiamo la nostra passione e creatività per sviluppare altri prodotti che arricchiscano la vostra vita.

Openness & transparency

We attach great importance to transparency so that you have a full overview of our products and can assess them accurately. We want you and all our customers to know exactly what is in our products and how they are made. For this reason, we provide comprehensive information about the exact ingredients and manufacturing processes. So you have all the information you need to take our food supplements without hesitation.

We hope you enjoy your Vitactiv products!

Apertura e trasparenza

Attribuiamo grande importanza alla trasparenza, affinché possiate avere una visione completa dei nostri prodotti e valutarli con precisione. Vogliamo che voi e tutti i nostri clienti sappiate esattamente cosa contengono i nostri prodotti e come vengono realizzati. Per questo motivo, forniamo informazioni complete sugli ingredienti esatti e sui processi di produzione. In questo modo avrete tutte le informazioni necessarie per assumere i nostri integratori alimentari senza esitazioni.

Ci auguriamo che i prodotti Vitactiv siano di vostro gradimento!

Openness & transparency

We attach great importance to transparency so that you have a full overview of our products and can assess them accurately. We want you and all our customers to know exactly what is in our products and how they are made. For this reason, we provide comprehensive information about the exact ingredients and manufacturing processes. So you have all the information you need to take our food supplements without hesitation.

We hope you enjoy your Vitactiv products!

Top products - VITACTIV


Contenuto: 0.0912 kg (186,29 €* / 1 kg)

16,99 € 19,99 €

(186,29 € / 1 kg)

Contenuto: 0.05 L (379,80 €* / 1 L)

18,99 € 24,99 €

(379,80 € / 1 L)

Contenuto: 0.05 L (299,80 €* / 1 L)

14,99 € 18,99 €

(299,80 € / 1 L)
78 Articolo
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VITAMIN C 1000 mg Time released - Tablets
Vitamin C is probably the best known of all vitamins Although it has been researched for decades, researchers are constantly finding new positive properties. Vitamin C helps (scientifically confirmed) to protect the body from oxidative stress.* So-called "free radicals" or "oxidants", which the body absorbs through the environment and an unhealthy lifestyle (e.g. smoking), destroy healthy cells, which can be the trigger for many diseases. If you want to stay healthy, you should not only avoid unhealthy habits, but also ensure that you have a functioning immune system - and this is exactly what vitamin C supports. VITAMIN C 1000 mg - high-dose power for your immune system VITAMIN C 1000 mg from Vitactiv contains 972 mg of high-quality L-ascorbic acid per tablet. This is the bioactive form of the vitamin that occurs naturally and is used by the human body. In addition to ascorbic acid, each tablet contains 40 mg of high-quality rosehip extract with a vitamin C content of 70 % (equivalent to 28 mg). In total, you provide your body with 1000 mg of vitamin C per daily dose of one film-coated tablet. With this concentrated vitamin C power, you can support your defenses all year round and are ideally equipped for the cool and cold days in autumn and winter. "Vitamin C and immune boosting" studies show positive results In 2013, the London-based Cochrane Collaboration, a global network of scientists, carried out a meta-analysis on the topic of "boosting the immune system by taking vitamin C". They found that people who are exposed to high physical or mental stress can apparently protect themselves from catching a cold by taking vitamin C daily (> 200 mg/day) - the risk of catching a cold is reduced by as much as 50%. Source: Chochrane Database Syst Rev 2013, Jan 31;(1): CD000980 Immune prophylaxis: What the media report on vitamin C The renowned Ärzte-Zeitung reported in its online edition on the results of a scientific meta-analysis on the topic of "Immune boosting through vitamin C intake": "Those who exercise intensively or are frequently out in the cold can reduce the risk of catching a cold by up to 50% with high doses of vitamin C (proven in marathon runners and soldiers). In another placebo-controlled study, four to eight grams of vitamin C reduced the duration of a typical winter cold." Sensible dosage: how much vitamin C should you take daily? According to a survey by Prevention magazine, 90% of renowned nutritionists in the USA consumed between 1000 and 3000 mg of additional vitamin C per day. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner (in the categories of chemistry and peace) who died at the age of 93, himself took up to 10,000 mg of vitamin C a day for many years. The latter example is perhaps somewhat exaggerated and side effects such as digestive problems can occasionally occur with such excessive amounts if they are taken over a long period of time. Nevertheless, vitamin C is considered very safe even at high doses, as the body can usually excrete excess vitamin via the urine. We dose high and sensibly: The tolerable upper intake level is often set at 2000 mg vitamin C per day. With our vitamin C 1000 mg, you get a sensibly formulated product that provides very good support with its high dosage and at the same time remains below the tolerable maximum amount. Rely on the special VITAMIN C 1,000 mg with "time-released" effect A consistent supply of nutrients is crucial for optimum support of your immune function, nerves and psyche. The VITAMIN C 1000 mg film-coated tablets with "Time Released" formula ensure that you are continuously supplied with the ideal amount of vitamin C for many hours. The "Time Released" or "Timed Release Effect" means a delayed release of the vitamin. It is released slowly and evenly so that your body can absorb the vitamin gradually. This delayed release effect ensures lasting and consistent support for your health throughout the day. Buy VITAMIN C 1000 mg - best quality from the Feelgood Shop When it comes to your health, you should play it safe. VITAMIN C 1000 mg from Vitactiv offers you high-dose vitamin C in the form of biologically active L-ascorbic acid, supplemented with valuable rose hip extract. Thanks to the "time-released effect", the vitamin C is released over a longer period of time to ensure a consistent supply for your body. Each batch is carefully laboratory-tested by an independent institute in Germany to guarantee the highest level of safety and quality - because your well-being is a matter close to our hearts. The product is vegan and available in easy-to-swallow tablets. You only need one film-coated tablet a day. Convince yourself of the quality - buy VITAMIN C 1000 mg in the Feelgood Shop now! *Information about the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.14 kg (71,36 €* / 1 kg)

9,99 € 12,99 €

(71,36 € / 1 kg)
Capsule di calcio + vitamina D3 per ossa, muscoli, nervi e molto altro ancora

Contenuto: 0.052 kg (244,04 €* / 1 kg)

14,99 € (288,27 € / 1 kg)
HANFSAMENÖL capsules + vitamin E
Hemp, the global health phenomenon! Hemp is currently on everyone's lips - whether as hemp oil capsules to swallow, hemp tea, hemp flour or as lip balm and soap for body care. Never before have there been so many hemp products that focus on human health. And rightly so! Because hemp is THE upcoming superfood worldwide. Science is gaining valuable new insights into "Cannabis sativa", the botanical name for real hemp, on an almost daily basis. And the fan community is growing and growing ... You should definitely try the HEMP SEED OIL capsules from Vitactiv. You can find out what the hemp plant can do in the following sections. The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is right in hemp seeds Omega fatty acids are generally a good thing, that is well known. But what many people don't know is that a healthy diet depends on the right ratio. The ideal ratio is between 2:1 and 5:1, i.e. two to five parts omega 6 to one part omega 3. In hemp seed oil, the ratio of 3:1 is naturally perfect - just like in the hemp seed oil capsules from "Vitactiv"! Hemp seed oil - nutrients from plants can be so healthy Natural hemp seed oil supports human health in many ways: It is anti-inflammatory, supports heart health, blood vessel function, the immune system, skin health and muscle and joint function.* Hemp seed oil also helps to normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels.* And it's all naturally plant-based. By the way: HEMP SEED OIL consists of 100 % virgin, i.e. cold-pressed oil. This natural and gentle extraction process preserves vitamins, minerals and trace elements in their original form. Vitamin E helps against oxidative stress The hemp seed oil capsules are rounded off with natural vitamin E, which helps to protect our body cells from oxidative stress.* Oxidative stress always occurs when the body is exposed to harmful influences - on the one hand from the environment (air pollution, ozone, etc.) and on the other from an unhealthy lifestyle (nicotine, alcohol, etc.). Psychological problems also generate these dangerous oxidants ("free radicals"), which age the cells more quickly and make them more susceptible to disease. Buy HANFSAMENÖL capsules + vitamin E now Bring your omega fatty acid ratio into a healthy balance! Hemp seed oil + vitamin E supports you in this - as well as your heart health, your blood vessels, your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and much more * Best buy hemp oil capsules without prescription today - pharmacy quality! *Information about the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.044 kg (227,05 €* / 1 kg)

9,99 € 12,99 €

(227,05 € / 1 kg)
L Arginina capsule ad alto dosaggio - per la pressione sanguigna e la circolazione

Contenuto: 0.1386 kg (115,37 €* / 1 kg)

15,99 € 19,99 €

(115,37 € / 1 kg)
Tre tipi di magnesio - per un rapido assorbimento e con effetto depotenziante

Contenuto: 0.144 kg (129,79 €* / 1 kg)

18,69 € 24,99 €

(129,79 € / 1 kg)
Capsule di cardo mariano: Complesso vegetale naturale per un fegato sano

Contenuto: 0.068 kg (196,91 €* / 1 kg)

13,39 € 19,99 €

(196,91 € / 1 kg)
Hyaluronic acid - and how important it is for skin and joints At a young age, hyaluronic acid production is in full swing. We don't have to worry about wrinkles or aches and pains in our bones and joints. Because there are none. But as we get older, our body produces less and less hyaluronic acid: at the age of 40 only around 50%, at 60 only around 10% - and the first signs of ageing can quickly become noticeable. Ageing is a natural process. So what? Nobody has to notice ... HYALURON KOMPLEX capsules offer you the opportunity to support your beauty regimen and nourish your skin from the inside out - thanks to 500 mg of high-dose hyaluronic acid per capsule in combination with carefully balanced vital and restorative substances for your daily requirements. These support the normal function of the skin, connective tissue, bones and joints* in a remarkably natural way. Anti-ageing that gets under your skin Our body's own hyaluronic acid - hyaluronan, abbreviated to HA according to current nomenclature - is a natural wrinkle filler. It regulates the water content in the connective tissue and thus ensures that our skin remains smooth and moisturized. Studies show that hyaluronic acid activates motile cells ("fibroblasts") in the connective tissue in the lower layers of the skin. These cells form new collagen, which makes the skin appear firm, plump and fresh. High molecular weight or low molecular weight hyaluronic acid? It's all in the mix! We now know that the molecular size of hyaluronic acid can influence its ability to penetrate the skin and bind moisture. High molecular weight is defined as a size of >1500 kDa (= kilo-dalton), which has a faster hydrating effect on the surface but is unable to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Low-molecular hyaluronic acid with a size <50 kDa was also able to bind water in the deep layers of the skin, which can have a positive effect on the desired long-lasting result. A combination of different molecule sizes that unite both positive properties is therefore considered optimal. Our HYALURON KOMPLEX capsules therefore contain hyaluronic acid in a molecule size of 500-700 kDa - for the best possible utilization in the body. High-dose hyaluronic acid for moving moments in your joints Hyaluronic acid is not only valuable for the skin, but is also the main component of synovial fluid and acts as a lubricant in all the movements our joints make. Thanks to its enormous moisture storage capacity, it can increase its volume many times over like a sponge. This fantastic ability of hyaluronic acid is irreplaceable for the mobility of joints. It also supplies tendons, muscles and all tissues with important nutrients and fluid. Hyaluronic acid allows bones to glide smooth ly when the joint is in motion without rubbing against each other. Hyaluronic acid also fulfills a shock-absorbing function. The special thing about it is its "intelligent" viscosity. This means that the viscosity of the acid adapts to the forces acting on it in a matter of seconds - and becomes thicker or thinner as required. In other words, hyaluronic acid acts as a sophisticated hydraulic shock absorber system. And it does so in more than 100 places in the body. Hyaluronic acid capsules - the advantages over creams and injections In contrast to capsules, "injections" with hyaluronic acid have a shorter start-up time, but side effects can occur after a cannula procedure (swelling, hematomas, skin discoloration, nodules, etc.). Depending on the quality and ingredients (often chemical), creams can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. You should also compare time, effort and costs. The HYALURON KOMPLEX capsules from Vitactiv also combine high-dose hyaluronic acid with other valuable ingredients, including Vitamin C for collagen formation* Zinc and biotin to maintain normal skin* Copper for skin pigmentation and connective tissue* Vitamin D and vitamin K to support bone function* Buy hyaluronic acid capsules - natural and vegan The hyaluronic acid used in skin care products - whether cosmetics or food supplements - often comes from cockscombs or chicken breast bone. With our HYALURON KOMPLEX, however, you are purchasing a 100% vegan product, as the hyaluronic acid it contains is obtained from fermentation. Hyaluronic acid from this production not only benefits animal welfare, but is also particularly pure and well tolerated. Buy hyaluronic acid capsules without prescription now - pharmacy quality! *Information on the effect of the ingredients can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.063 kg (301,43 €* / 1 kg)

18,99 € 29,99 €

(301,43 € / 1 kg)
Capsule di YAMSWURZEL con estratto di alta qualità e 20% di diosgenina

Contenuto: 0.071 kg (225,21 €* / 1 kg)

15,99 € 22,99 €

(225,21 € / 1 kg)
Biotin - the "beauty vitamin" Beauty comes from within. Nutrition plays the biggest role here, as the body is best able to utilize the properties of the nutrients it absorbs. Healthy, fresh foods provide essential minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Vitamin B7 is essential for beautiful skin and hair : biotin.* Soy, beef liver, egg yolk and dried yeast contain the most biotin, but this is not exactly on everyone's daily menu. So if you can't meet your biotin requirements, you should choose the natural alternative: Biotin in concentrated form as a dietary supplement. Zinc - the "beauty mineral" Due to its numerous functions in our organism, zinc can be described as a true all-rounder. It is a component of almost 300 enzymes and is therefore involved in an enormous number of processes in our body. Above all, zinc has made a real name for itself as a beauty mineral, as it plays a key role in maintaining normal skin, hair and nails*. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 50% of all people are deficient in zinc, which is often due to a diet low in zinc (fast food, industrially manufactured products, vegan lifestyle). Selenium - the trace element for well-groomed hair & nails Selenium is a component of over 20 enzymes and proteins with a wide variety of properties, most importantly supporting the health of hair and nails.* The trace element is found in particularly high doses in nuts (Brazil nuts, coconuts etc.), pulses such as lentils and cereals (e.g. oat flakes). As Germany and northern European countries in particular have predominantly selenium-poor soils, this is also reflected in our diet, e.g. in cereals, potatoes and vegetables. However, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, exposure to heavy metals, smoking, stress and pregnancy can also contribute to a selenium deficiency. Who is BIOTIN ZINK & SELEN suitable for? BIOTIN ZINC & SELEN tablets are recommended for all adults who value healthy skin, hair and nails. Hair and nails need time to grow back healthily. The skin also needs time to regenerate. It is therefore advisable to take it for several months or - if necessary - permanently. BIOTIN ZINK & SELEN are a product of the Vitactiv brand BIOTIN ZINC & SELEN tablets are a product of the new Vitactiv line. The Vitactiv brand stands for: Food supplements with ingredients from nature, in the best quality and at affordable prices. The new Vitactiv product line now offers higher ranges, more effective dosages and even gentler manufacturing processes during production. Incidentally, all improved and new products will have a new look in future - including the BIOTIN ZINC & SELEN tablets. *Information on the effect of the ingredients under product details

Contenuto: 0.0912 kg (186,29 €* / 1 kg)

16,99 € 19,99 €

(186,29 € / 1 kg)
Capsule di estratto di INGERNO
Estratto di zenzero con un contenuto garantito di gingerolo ad alto dosaggio del 5%.

Contenuto: 0.0462 kg (348,27 €* / 1 kg)

18,99 € (411,04 € / 1 kg)
Compresse di IODIO
Compresse di iodio vegane per la tiroide - a base di alghe!

Contenuto: 0.045 kg (213,11 €* / 1 kg)

9,59 € 11,99 €

(213,11 € / 1 kg)
Complesso multiminerale alcalino con "Aquamin

Contenuto: 0.114 kg (163,95 €* / 1 kg)

21,99 € (192,89 € / 1 kg)
What is stress? There are basically two forms of stress: positive stress (known as "eustress") and negative stress (known as "disstress"). Positive stress increases our alertness and performance and makes us ready for upcoming challenges: the penalty kick in injury time, the first date with your dream partner ... or even the last few seconds of an internet auction. This positive form of stress is characterized by motivation and gives rise to anticipation. Negative stress, on the other hand, is experienced without any positive expectation - as threatening, burdensome and always unpleasant: e.g. the umpteenth reprimand from a superior, the typical 5 p.m. traffic jam on the highway or the upcoming task that has always overwhelmed us. As you can see, negative stress is usually recurring and permanent. And if the body is constantly on negative alert, people burn out and become ill. By the way: when we talk about stress in the following, we are referring exclusively to negative stress. Stress: "The biggest health risk of the century" If you often feel stressed, you are not alone. In Germany, one in three people suffer from stress-related symptoms on a permanent basis. The worst thing about it is that many illnesses are caused or negatively influenced by constant stress: these include heart problems, high blood pressure, pain such as back pain and headaches, neck tension, stomach and intestinal disorders, tinnitus and depression. The constant hustle and bustle around us, private and professional overloads lead to us feeling mentally and physically exhausted. And this should not be taken lightly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even declared chronic stress to be the greatest health risk of this century. But the good news is that there are ... Natural nutrients to combat stress Selected nutrients in STRESS BALANCE can make a valuable contribution to stress. All ingredients are 100% natural - yet powerful enough to help your body cope better with the challenges of everyday life. Rhodiola Rosea extract - and you can deal with stress calmly The flowers of Rhodiola Rosea (also known as "rose root" or "golden root") glow in a cheerful yellow to orange to purple red. Rhodiola Rosea smells as delicate as a rose - but is an absolute thorn in the side of stress! In short: Ginkgo Biloba not only supports cognitive abilities, but also maintains mental balance*. And who wouldn't want to be relaxed and focused at the same time, especially under stress? Ginger - vitality and energy for well-being Ginger is not only making inroads into our households as a culinary ingredient, but also as a vital feel-good root. What has long been known in Chinese natural medicine is now being used by more and more Europeans under stress. This is because the ginger in STRESS BALANCE also supports our well-being - and also helps to increase vitality and energy.* People who have experienced first-hand how much stress can drain our energy and exhaust us know just how important this is ... Beta-glucan - gain new (immune) strength Stress weakens our defenses. Our immune system can then no longer defend itself as well against external attacks such as bacteria, viruses or fungi - so we fall ill more often. Studies show that beta-glucans - natural plant substances from the cell walls of yeast - create new immune defense cells to protect the body from pathogens.Source: Brown, GD; Gordon, S (Sep 6, 2001). Immune recognition. A new receptor for beta-glucans. Nature. 413 (6851): 36-7. bibcode: 2001 Nature.413...36B. doi:10.1038/35092620, PMID 11544516. Vetvicka, V; Dvorak B; Vetvickova J; Richter J; Krizan J; Sima P; Yvin JC (2007-03-10). Orally administered marine (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan phycarine stimulates both humoral and cellular immunity. International journal of biological macromolecules. England: Butterworth-Heinemann. 40 (4): 291-298. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2006.08.009, PMID 16978690Ginseng - for mental performance Stress prevents us from being focused - on our job, our family and our environment. Ginseng supports our mental performance and physical vitality* so that we can concentrate on what is really important. Grape leaf - for normal blood pressure People who are stressed often notice this in their blood pressure. The desire to "calm down" is understandably great. Grape leaf extract - with its "flavonoids" (aromatic plant substances) - contributes to normal blood pressure*. Guarana - energy against tiredness Stress robs us of precious energy. The result: we feel tired and exhausted. Guarana can help without feeling nervous. Even 3,000 years ago, guarana was considered an extremely helpful natural remedy by the first peoples of South America - it is good against tiredness and supports the body in terms of energy. Maca - for body and mind Stress prevents us from performing at our best - both physically and mentally. The Incas were one of the most advanced indigenous peoples of their time. In their natural medicine, the maca tuber was highly valued as a source of strength and stamina. And rightly so: maca supports physical and mental performance. Your nerves love vitamins, minerals and trace elements Eight B vitamins plus vitamins C and D, copper, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese round off STRESS BALANCE: to normalize the nervous system, immune system and mental function as well as to reduce tiredness and fatigue.* After all, you don't just want to be more relaxed in stressful situations, but also wide awake and capable of a "cool" reaction.*Information on the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details

Contenuto: 0.0492 kg (325,00 €* / 1 kg)

18,99 € (385,98 € / 1 kg)
Zinc - the vital trace element Zinc can be described as a true all-rounder due to its diverse functions in our body. It plays a role in almost 300 enzymes and is therefore involved in numerous metabolic processes. Above all, zinc is crucial for a healthy immune system and as a "beauty mineral" for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails*. Many biochemical processes in the body would not function without zinc - the trace element is therefore vital for us. However, our body cannot produce zinc itself and it must therefore be taken in through food. If the zinc requirement cannot be covered by the diet, a dietary supplement such as ours can be helpful. The ZINC BISGLYCINATE tablets from Vitactiv contain 25 mg of zinc per tablet and are therefore highly dosed. With just one tablet, you are optimally supplied with the valuable trace element throughout the day. Zinc deficiency - every second person is affected According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 50% of all people are deficient in zinc. But why is that? The most important factor is probably our modern diet. More and more foods are industrially produced and are often low in zinc. In addition, phosphates from soft drinks etc. and other substances in stimulants hinder the utilization of zinc. A vegetarian or vegan diet also promotes zinc deficiency, as many plant-based foods contain phytic acid, which makes it more difficult to utilize zinc. As zinc can only be stored for a short time anyway, our body has no reserves to fall back on. We therefore recommend that athletes, for example, pay attention to their mineral balance, as important trace elements such as zinc are also excreted through muscle activity and sweating. However, other reasons can also lead to an undersupply of zinc: Reduced absorption via the intestines (diabetes, rheumatism) Taking certain medications (lipid-lowering drugs, cortisone) Increased requirement due to pregnancy and breastfeeding Unbalanced diet Frequent alcohol consumption Combined intake with cereals (phytates) or coffee/tea (tannins) Possible symptoms of a zinc deficiency There are various signs that may indicate a zinc deficiency. These include recurrent colds, persistent tiredness and fatigue, brittle fingernails and white patches on the nails, hair breakage or loss, dry eyes and poor skin health with symptoms such as acne, spots, flaky skin or eczema. However, there are many other possible signs of zinc deficiency, e.g: Fertility problems Growth disorders in children loss of appetite Night blindness Zinc helps - especially the high-quality zinc bisglycinate Zinc is available in various forms - e.g. as zinc citrate, oxide, gluconate, picolinate, methionine, histidine, aspartate, orotate, carbonate, pantothenate and bisglycinate. Vitactiv zinc tablets contain organic zinc bisglycinate - the zinc compound with the highest bioavailability. Why zinc bisglycinate is the most effective zinc In zinc bisglycinate, the zinc is bound to an amino acid (glycine) so that it cannot be attacked by stomach acid - it is only absorbed in the intestine and can therefore be optimally utilized by the body. Zinc bisglycinate has over 40 % higher bioavailability than zinc gluconate, which is already highly absorbable. Zinc bisglycinate is also well tolerated, which makes it possible to take it even if you have stomach problems. Buy ZINC BISGLYCINATE tablets - a product of the Vitactiv brand ZINC BISGLYCINATE tablets are a product from the new Vitactiv line. The Vitactiv brand stands for nutritional supplements with ingredients from nature, in the best quality and at affordable prices. The new Vitactiv product line now offers higher ranges, more effective dosages and even gentler manufacturing processes during production. Incidentally, all improved and new products will have a new green look in future - including the ZINC BISGLYCINATE tablets. Buy zinc tablets now without a prescription - high-dose and vegan, in pharmacy-quality! *Information on the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.091 kg (142,75 €* / 1 kg)

12,99 € 19,99 €

(142,75 € / 1 kg)
EISEN MIT VITAMINA C - Capsule di ferro
Ferro altamente biodisponibile + vitamina C naturale

Contenuto: 0.041 kg (292,44 €* / 1 kg)

11,99 € 18,99 €

(292,44 € / 1 kg)
Gocce di vitamina D ad alto dosaggio per il sistema immunitario, le ossa e i muscoli

Contenuto: 0.05 L (299,80 €* / 1 L)

14,99 € 18,99 €

(299,80 € / 1 L)
Gocce ad alto dosaggio per ossa, muscoli e sistema immunitario

Contenuto: 0.05 L (379,80 €* / 1 L)

18,99 € 24,99 €

(379,80 € / 1 L)
BITTERKRÄUTER - Gocce di sostanze amare
Erbe amare: Con l'alcol
Gocce amare per il gonfiore, per la digestione

Contenuto: 0.05 L (207,80 €* / 1 L)

12,99 € (259,80 € / 1 L)
Una forza tripla per le difese dell'organismo

40,57 € 57,97 €

Per ridurre i livelli di lipidi nel sangue

Contenuto: 0.032 kg (449,69 €* / 1 kg)

14,39 € 17,99 €

(449,69 € / 1 kg)
Una forza 4 volte superiore per le difese dell'organismo

51,77 € 73,96 €

OPC Grape Seed Extract Capsules
Surprise: Grape seed OPC in red wine keeps you healthy Are you familiar with the "French paradox" in connection with OPCs? Research has shown that the French live longer than Germans or Americans despite (or precisely because of) their alcohol consumption - there are three times fewer heart attacks in France than in the USA. One reason for this effect is the regular consumption of red wine. The polyphenols present in red wine, which include OPC (abbreviation for "oligomeric proanthocyanidins" or "oligomeric procyanidins") - the antioxidants contained in grape seeds- are responsible for this phenomenon. These are only present in red wine: This is because, unlike white wine, here the must is not pressed for fermentation, but the entire fruit is fermented with the polyphenol-rich skins and seeds (known as the mash). Fortunately, you don't have to drink gallons of French red wine to benefit from the antioxidants in grape seeds. One Vitactiv OPC capsule a day, taken with a glass of water, has the same positive effect. Find out more about what grape seed extract OPCs really do. What exactly are OPCs? OPCs are natural, plant-based bitter substances that are found in the seeds of grapes, for example. They belong to the group of bioflavonoids and are classified as polyphenols. OPCs are just as important as their partner, vitamin C. This is why OPCs are only found in plants together with vitamin C. Due to the processing and long storage of most foods, OPCs and vitamin C have almost completely disappeared from our diet. A sufficient supply can only be achieved today through the daily - but not recommended - consumption of approx. 2 liters of red wine, because red wine contains a lot of OPC (but unfortunately also alcohol and many calories and many other "side effects" that should be known). OPC use: What OPC capsules can do for the body The human cell has the natural function of detoxifying and repairing itself. Excessive environmental stress can disrupt this protective function. Damage of various kinds can be the result. Examples are Allergies Premature ageing of the skin Impairment of the cardiovascular system Problems with the eyes Memory problems Concentration problems Joint problems A diet rich in antioxidants can therefore help to prevent or mitigate such damage. Natural OPCs can support our immune function - and therefore our health and vitality. This is because these antioxidants are regarded as the No. 1 "radical scavengers". What causes oxidative stress? You probably know the answer: Environmental pollution (ozone, UV radiation, air pollution, etc.) and an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, nicotine, physical and mental stress, etc.) can lead to oxidative stress. OPCs in our plant-based diet provide natural protection against this. If you are unable to meet your needs through food, supplements such as Vitactiv OPC capsules are a good way to boost your diet. OPC and their effect on allergies Almost one in three people in Germany between the ages of 18 and 79 suffered from an allergy last year (Robert Koch Institute study). And the number of millions of people struggling with hay fever, skin rashes, respiratory problems, watery and itchy eyes and the like is constantly increasing. The cause: the immune system overreacts when pollen or other "anti-substances" from the environment come into contact with mucous membranes. Allergies are basically reactions triggered by the hormone histamine (histamine intolerance). Accordingly, allergy sufferers want a functioning immune system - preferably in a natural way. As natural plant substances from grapes, OPCs support normal skin function and more*. Grape seed capsules: the special thing about OPC Vitactiv OPC is obtained in complex production steps from the extract of grape seeds. A special extraction process ensures a guaranteed pure and high OPC content. OPCs usually reach their highest concentration in the blood about 45 minutes after ingestion and are then completely used up within 72 hours. There are now many suppliers of OPC products, e.g. in the form of capsules or tablets. When buying a product, make sure that it really does contain highly concentrated OPCs. Often only the powder - without extracted OPC - of ground grape seeds, grapefruit seeds, pine or vine leaves is offered. These food supplements have a much lower OPC content. They are therefore not only significantly less effective, but ultimately also more expensive than genuine, good OPCs. Our grape preparation contains 350 mg of pure OPC of the highest purity and quality per daily dose (1 capsule). Our OPC grape seed extract capsules also provide you with vitamin C and 25 mg citrus bioflavonoids. The latter are secondary plant substances that are mainly found in the peel of citrus fruits. They give the fruit its color and aroma. Citrus flavonoids enjoy a reputation as natural "vitamin boosters". Buy OPC capsules - at the best price in the Feelgood Shop Which OPC to buy? Convince yourself of our high-purity OPC in pharmacy-quality. Available here and buy OPC capsules online without prescription - get the power of natural antioxidants! *Information about the effects of the ingredients in our OPC capsules can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.12 kg (145,75 €* / 1 kg)

17,49 € 26,99 €

(145,75 € / 1 kg)
Per la funzione cardiaca e il metabolismo energetico

Contenuto: 0.052 kg (245,96 €* / 1 kg)

12,79 € 15,99 €

(245,96 € / 1 kg)
Compresse SELEN
L'oligoelemento per il sistema immunitario, i capelli e le unghie

Contenuto: 0.044 kg (225,00 €* / 1 kg)

9,90 € 15,99 €

(225,00 € / 1 kg)

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