Osteoarthritis and arthritis - two widespread diseases on the rise
70% of all older people in Europe are already affected by osteoarthritis - and the trend is rising. Osteoarthritis is a change in the joint caused by age and/or wear and tear, in which the cartilage layer of the bone is severely worn down. This can even lead to complete loss of cartilage, so that bone rubs against bone. Typical symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness in the joints. The pain is particularly severe in cold and damp weather and when subjected to impact loads.
If the pain also occurs at rest, it is thought to be arthritis - an inflammation in the joint. It often starts in the joints of the fingers, hands and feet and then spreads to other joints such as the knees and shoulders. This leads to recurring or constant inflammation, which further destroys the cartilage, connective tissue and bones of the joint.
What many people don't know: The breeding ground for joint diseases is already formed at a young age ...
Between 30 and 50 - the most dangerous age for joint diseases
Do you think osteoarthritis and arthritis are typical "senior diseases"? Far from it! Because the foundations for rheumatic complaints in old age are laid at a young age: according to the latest findings, between the ages of 30 and 50.
Sports injuries, accidents at work, permanent overloading during physical activity, but also the constant use of computers and smartphones are the cause of joint problems later in life. In most cases, the first signs go unnoticed and untreated because people believe that "it will go away". But unlike sore muscles, where the muscles regenerate quite quickly, a joint does not recover by itself - it needs nutrients to supply the cartilage and bones accordingly. The most important nutrient is called collagen.
Collagen - the natural substance from which joint cartilage is made
Collagen (collagen hydrolyzate), also known as collagen, is a protein, or more precisely, the most common protein in our body - it makes up around 30% of all proteins and 7% of body weight. Collagen fibers have enormous tensile strength. They can absorb tensile forces that are 10,000 times their own weight.
There are 28 different types of collagen in the body. The two most important are type I and type II. While type I collagen is mainly found in the skin, type II collagen makes up the majority of collagens found in joints - more precisely: in joint cartilage.
Every joint is surrounded by a layer of cartilage. Although it is only a few millimetres thick, it is indispensable for a pain-free functioning joint. The elastic collagen fibers form the framework of the cartilage - and are a prerequisite for its elasticity and high compressive strength. The cartilage counteracts friction between the bones and acts as a natural shock absorber.As cartilage has no blood vessels, it can withstand extremely high loads. The disadvantage is that it is dependent on the synovial fluid for its supply of nutrients and is therefore less able to regenerate. For this reason, cartilage injuries heal much more slowly than other types of tissue. This makes the supply of nutrients with collagen type II all the more important.UC-II® - against inflammation, pain and joint stiffness
UC-II® is a non-denatured type II collagen obtained naturally from chicken breast bone. The special thing about non-denatured (native) collagen is that, unlike denatured collagen, it still has its natural ordered form - in other words, there are no structural changes to biomolecules. This is because molecules lose their biological functions during denaturation. To put it simply, here is an example: Virgin olive oil still has all its healthy nutrients, whereas refined oil does not.
UC-II® is a patented natural branded raw material that can help with pain and inflammation, stiffness and swelling in joints and can therefore contribute to joint health in a natural way - international studies show positive results.* Incidentally, KOLLAGEN AKTIV Complex with UC-II® is available exclusively from us.
Just one small capsule of UC-II® per day!Many people swallow chemical painkillers every day - often several times a day and over a long period of time - in order to get through the day with their joint pain. There are two things you should be aware of: Firstly, the cause of the pain is not being addressed in any way and secondly, the side effects can lead to other health problems, even serious ones.
If you no longer want to take painkillers, you should rely on the power of nature: with KOLLAGEN AKTIV Complex with UC-II®. Just one capsule (with 40 mg UC-II®) per day is enough to support the health of your joints - scientifically confirmed*.
*Scientific studies on UC-II®
Many international studies attest to the positive results of collagen type II (UC-II®). Here are two examples:
Study "UC-II® - less pain and stiffness in osteoarthritis"
In a randomized study with 52 osteoarthritis patients, two groups were compared. One group took 40 mg UC-II® daily, the other a combination of 1500 mg glucosamine and 1200 mg chondroitin. After 90 days, the pain intensity and the degree of stiffness according to the WOMAC and VAS scales were more than twice as low in the UC-II group than in the glucosamine/chondroitin group. Thus, the UC-II group showed a significant improvement in daily activities, indicating an improvement in their quality of life.
Source: "Safety and efficacy of undenatured type II collagen in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a clinical trial", Int J Med Sci. 2009; 6(6): 312-321.PMCID: PMC2764342. PMID: 19847319
Study "UC-II® - Reduction of inflammation and other arthritis symptoms"
60 people with advanced rheumatoid arthritis took part in this study. One group received collagen type II over a period of three months - the other group received a placebo. The number of swollen and painful joints in the collagen group decreased noticeably, but not in the placebo group. Four patients in the collagen II group even showed a complete remission of arthritis.
Source: Trentham DE, Dynesius-Trentham RA, Orav EJ, et al. E ects of oral administration of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis. Science. 1993 Sep 24;261(5129):1727-30
The other ingredients in KOLLAGEN AKTIV Complex with UC-II®
Green-lipped mussel - known, special, proven
The green-lipped mussel (lat. "Perna canaliculus") owes its name to the greenish, shiny seam on its shell. It is similar to the blue mussel, but is only found in the waters off New Zealand. The "New Zealand green-lipped mussel" is freeze-dried, pulverized and processed into pharmaceuticals and food supplements. Green-lipped mussels contain two particularly valuable nutrient pearls:
Glycosaminoglycan: We also know the glucosamine it contains from the human organism. It is an endogenous substance that is needed for the smooth movement of the joints. With increasing age or heavy strain, this substance is depleted, leading to a reduction in cartilage mass.
Antioxidants: Green-lipped mussels contain various antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to be the No. 1 "radical scavengers".
Frankincense - traditionally strong for bones and joints
In Indian Ayurveda, the use of frankincense has been an integral part of the repertoire for 5,000 years. The oldest references to the use of frankincense can be found on 7,000-year-old Egyptian papyrus scrolls. The importance of frankincense has increased significantly in recent years. No wonder: frankincense (botanical name: Boswellia Serrata) contributes to normal bone and joint function*.
Manganese - for the natural formation of connective tissueThe human body contains around 10 to 40 mg of manganese. Around 40 percent of this is found in the bones. It has long been known that manganese contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and connective tissue formation*.
The vitamin duo in KOLLAGEN AKTIV Complex for cartilage and bonesKOLLAGEN AKTIV Complex is optimized by the natural vitamin duo C and D - for the normalization of bones, cartilage and muscles.* KOLLAGEN AKTIV Complex thus offers an optimal all-round supply of natural nutrients.*Information on the effect of the ingredients can be found under product details.
Il collagene è la proteina più abbondante nell'uomo. Ma a cosa serve il collagene? La risposta sta nell'elevata resistenza alla trazione delle singole fibre di collagene. La pelle e il tessuto connettivo, le ossa e le articolazioni beneficiano di questa elasticità. Se volete acquistare degli integratori di collagene, potete scegliere tra polvere, capsule e fiale liquide da bere. Ad esempio, Feelgood GELENK Complex Bustine - un complesso di collagene con vitamina A, vitamina C e altri micronutrienti come magnesio, calcio e molto altro. Convincetevi dei nostri prodotti al collagene di alta qualità!
Il termine biochimico per indicare il collagene è "proteina strutturale extracellulare". È una proteina responsabile della resistenza e della flessibilità del tessuto connettivo. Gran parte del tessuto connettivo si trova nella nostra pelle. Se la produzione di collagene da parte dell'organismo diminuisce, il tessuto perde elasticità. Questo può portare alla comparsa di rughe, fossette, cellulite e pelle a buccia d'arancia.1 Per inciso, la produzione di collagene nel corpo umano inizia a diminuire a partire dai 25 anni! Tuttavia, è possibile rifornire il corpo di collagene sotto forma di integratori alimentari. Per una pelle splendida, c'è LIQUID BEAUTY con peptidi di collagene biologicamente attivi da bere e le capsule anti-età di Pure Ella.
Il collagene non è utile solo per un aspetto radioso e fresco, ma anche per il funzionamento delle articolazioni. Il collagene è infatti un componente importante del tessuto cartilagineo. La cartilagine delle nostre articolazioni agisce come una sorta di ammortizzatore. Impedisce a ossa, legamenti, tendini e nervi di sfregare l'uno contro l'altro durante il movimento. Senza collagene, le nostre articolazioni si usurerebbero dopo pochissimo tempo.
Il collagene è stato conosciuto negli anni '70 come ingrediente di creme cosmetiche. Oggi sappiamo che il collagene ha molti benefici come integratore alimentare orale. Ecco le domande e le risposte più importanti:
Quanto collagene si dovrebbe assumere ogni giorno? Si ottengono buoni risultati con una quantità giornaliera compresa tra 2500 mg e 8000 mg.
Per chi è adatto il collagene? Per tutti coloro che apprezzano una pelle bella o ossa e articolazioni sane.
In che forma devo acquistare gli integratori di collagene? La forma migliore è quella delle capsule. Bottiglie e bustine con polvere da sciogliere sono ideali per dosaggi elevati.
Ci sono differenze tra il collagene in polvere, in capsule e liquido e quali sono? Non ci sono differenze nelle proprietà del collagene. Le capsule hanno il vantaggio, rispetto alla polvere sciolta, che il dosaggio è esattamente lo stesso, proprio come la polvere confezionata in bustine. Anche il collagene in forma liquida, come quello contenuto inLIQUID BEAUTY, è ben assorbito dall'organismo.
If you have any questions or need advice, please contact us.