Surprise: Grape seed OPC in red wine keeps you healthy
Are you familiar with the "French paradox" in connection with OPCs? Research has shown that the French live longer than Germans or Americans despite (or precisely because of) their alcohol consumption - there are three times fewer heart attacks in France than in the USA. One reason for this effect is the regular consumption of red wine.
The polyphenols present in red wine, which include OPC (abbreviation for "oligomeric proanthocyanidins" or "oligomeric procyanidins") - the antioxidants contained in grape seeds- are responsible for this phenomenon. These are only present in red wine: This is because, unlike white wine, here the must is not pressed for fermentation, but the entire fruit is fermented with the polyphenol-rich skins and seeds (known as the mash).
Fortunately, you don't have to drink gallons of French red wine to benefit from the antioxidants in grape seeds. One Vitactiv OPC capsule a day, taken with a glass of water, has the same positive effect. Find out more about what grape seed extract OPCs really do.
What exactly are OPCs?
OPCs are natural, plant-based bitter substances that are found in the seeds of grapes, for example. They belong to the group of bioflavonoids and are classified as polyphenols. OPCs are just as important as their partner, vitamin C. This is why OPCs are only found in plants together with vitamin C.
Due to the processing and long storage of most foods, OPCs and vitamin C have almost completely disappeared from our diet. A sufficient supply can only be achieved today through the daily - but not recommended - consumption of approx. 2 liters of red wine, because red wine contains a lot of OPC (but unfortunately also alcohol and many calories and many other "side effects" that should be known).
OPC use: What OPC capsules can do for the body
The human cell has the natural function of detoxifying and repairing itself. Excessive environmental stress can disrupt this protective function. Damage of various kinds can be the result. Examples are
Premature ageing of the skin
Impairment of the cardiovascular system
Problems with the eyes
Memory problems
Concentration problems
Joint problems
A diet rich in antioxidants can therefore help to prevent or mitigate such damage. Natural OPCs can support our immune function - and therefore our health and vitality. This is because these antioxidants are regarded as the No. 1 "radical scavengers".
What causes oxidative stress? You probably know the answer: Environmental pollution (ozone, UV radiation, air pollution, etc.) and an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, nicotine, physical and mental stress, etc.) can lead to oxidative stress. OPCs in our plant-based diet provide natural protection against this. If you are unable to meet your needs through food, supplements such as Vitactiv OPC capsules are a good way to boost your diet.
OPC and their effect on allergies
Almost one in three people in Germany between the ages of 18 and 79 suffered from an allergy last year (Robert Koch Institute study). And the number of millions of people struggling with hay fever, skin rashes, respiratory problems, watery and itchy eyes and the like is constantly increasing. The cause: the immune system overreacts when pollen or other "anti-substances" from the environment come into contact with mucous membranes. Allergies are basically reactions triggered by the hormone histamine (histamine intolerance).
Accordingly, allergy sufferers want a functioning immune system - preferably in a natural way. As natural plant substances from grapes, OPCs support normal skin function and more*.
Grape seed capsules: the special thing about OPC
Vitactiv OPC is obtained in complex production steps from the extract of grape seeds. A special extraction process ensures a guaranteed pure and high OPC content. OPCs usually reach their highest concentration in the blood about 45 minutes after ingestion and are then completely used up within 72 hours.
There are now many suppliers of OPC products, e.g. in the form of capsules or tablets. When buying a product, make sure that it really does contain highly concentrated OPCs. Often only the powder - without extracted OPC - of ground grape seeds, grapefruit seeds, pine or vine leaves is offered. These food supplements have a much lower OPC content. They are therefore not only significantly less effective, but ultimately also more expensive than genuine, good OPCs.
Our grape preparation contains 350 mg of pure OPC of the highest purity and quality per daily dose (1 capsule). Our OPC grape seed extract capsules also provide you with vitamin C and 25 mg citrus bioflavonoids. The latter are secondary plant substances that are mainly found in the peel of citrus fruits. They give the fruit its color and aroma. Citrus flavonoids enjoy a reputation as natural "vitamin boosters".
Buy OPC capsules - at the best price in the Feelgood Shop
Which OPC to buy? Convince yourself of our high-purity OPC in pharmacy-quality. Available here and buy OPC capsules online without prescription - get the power of natural antioxidants!
*Information about the effects of the ingredients in our OPC capsules can be found under product details.
The living fossil with a very special power
The first ginkgos (botan.: Ginkgo Biloba) grew around 250 million years ago. Due to its extremely high resilience, only the ginkgo survived the ice age - as the only "living fossil", as Charles Darwin called the ginkgo.
Also known as the "Japanese temple tree", the ginkgo has been an integral part of traditional Chinese culture for over 5,000 years. Over the centuries, the good news of the many uses of ginkgo leaves and ginkgo seeds has spread around the world.
Today, the ginkgo, which can live for over 1,000 years, is more interesting to science than ever. After all, it has a very special power that makes it so resilient and can benefit people ...
Would you like to be as resilient as a ginkgo tree?
Of course, we're not going to tell you that you can live for over 1,000 years like a ginkgo tree. But it is a fact that your health can benefit from the GINKGO-BILOBA-500 ingredients - including
Blood circulation - even the circulation of fine blood vessels in the brain, the cardiovascular system, cognitive abilities (perception, thinking, feeling, judging, willing and acting), mental balance as well as vision and hearing*
The special thing about GINKGO BILOBA 500 is the extra extract!
In contrast to most ginkgo preparations, our product is not only highly dosed with 500 mg ginkgo biloba per tablet, but also contains the high-quality ginkgo biloba extract in addition to the ginkgo biloba powder. And it is precisely THAT that makes the difference! Hardly any other preparation contains the valuable extract. Compare GINKGO BILOBA 500 with Ginkgo products from the pharmacy and you will be amazed at how inexpensive and high quality GINKGO BILOBA 500 is.
Ginkgo Biloba in the media and science
Reports, studies and news about Ginkgo Biloba come from all over the world - and are on everyone's lips. Here are three examples:
Study results on concentration and performance
One study examined the intake of a ginkgo extract in 296 people between the ages of 45 and 65. Half received a ginkgo extract, the other half a placebo. After three months, the patients in the ginkgo group - regardless of age - proved to be more concentrated, more attentive and more productive.Source: Neuroscience & Medicine Vol.2 No.1(2011), Article ID:4279, DOI:10.4236/nm.2011.21007
"NDR" about "visible blood circulation with Ginkgo"
NDR television reported on the program "Visite": Berlin researchers have succeeded in visualizing blood flow after taking ginkgo preparations. With the help of so-called intravital microscopy and reflection spectrometry, they were able to show that the blood flow of the smallest vessels (microcirculation) is improved. However, this requires the regular intake of high doses of ginkgo. "The recommendations made to date regarding the amount to be taken per day are therefore clearly too low".
"Wirtschaftswoche" reports on more precise movement sequences
"Training for the memory" was the title of the article published in "Wirtschaftswoche". A study showed that substances such as ginkgo extracts made movement sequences more precise, increased mood and improved concentration. The test subjects remained more relaxed and were thus better able to cope with stress.
Rely on natural vitality for brain, heart & energy!
Benefit from GINKGO BILOBA 500 - the high-dose ginkgo bestseller with high-quality natural ginkgo biloba extract and ginkgo biloba powder.
*Information about the effect of the ingredients under product details
Cranberry - the red, healthy berry
The large-fruited cranberry, also known in this country as the "crane berry", is primarily known by its English name "cranberry". This is not surprising, as the bright red fruits originate from North America and are mainly grown and marketed in the USA. The Native Americans already valued the cranberry for its many benefits. Centuries later, the power of the red berry was rediscovered - and is now a well-known, gentle treatment option.
Cranberry for the urinary tract and bladder
Women in particular often suffer from urinary tract infections - on average 12% of them contract them once a year. But men are also increasingly affected as they get older. In severe cases, urinary tract infections can spread to the kidneys and bloodstream. Scientific studies show positive results with regard to the bladder and urinary tract. According to the latest studies, cranberries also have a positive influence on the male prostate.
*Studies on cranberries and the urinary tract
Cranberries contain valuable proanthocyanidins. These are secondary plant substances that belong to the group of flavanols. These can prevent bacteria from adhering to the urinary tract.
The unique and innovative mechanism of the PACRAN® cranberry formula
For the 100% natural PACRAN® powder, all components of the cranberry are ground, thus fully utilizing the ingredients from the skin, seeds and juice. The unique mechanism of PACRAN® makes use of the "anti-adhesion effect" of the proanthocyanidins and ensures that the bacteria are flushed out with the urine flow. The powder contains twice as many proanthocyanidins as unprocessed cranberries.
PACRAN® is the first product made from cranberries in this form.
Cranberries and men's health
Scientists from Olomouc in the Czech Republic reported in the British Journal of Nutrition that the health of the prostate normalized after six months with a daily intake of dried cranberries in powder form.
Due to the ingredient PACRAN®, there were measurable improvements on the so-called "International Prostate Symptom Scale" - as well as in the measured values for quality of life and bladder emptying. The level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) also fell.
High in vitamins and minerals
The cranberry is considered a real vitamin C bomb. One hundred grams of the fruit contains 40 milligrams. The berry also contains potassium, sodium and phosphorus. The high proportion of organic acids ensures that the cranberry's vitamins and minerals are retained for a long time after harvesting.
D-mannose shows bacteria the ropes!
D-mannose is a simple sugar that is related to glucose, but is hardly absorbed by the body in the metabolism. The bacteria bind to D-mannose and are excreted together with the urine. A study published in 2014 shows positive results with the daily intake of D-mannose over a period of 6 months.Source: World Journal of Urology, February 2014, Volume 32, Issue 1, pp 79-84
But CRANBERRY + D-MANNOSE contains much more
CRANBERRY + D-MANNOSE also contains the high-quality ingredients dandelion root extract, pumpkin seed extract, vitamins C and D plus the amino acid L-methionine. The special thing about L-methionine is that it is a sulphur-containing amino acid. In the case of urinary tract infections, the pH value in the urine is often in the alkaline range. The sulphur contained in L-methionine brings the value back into its normal, slightly acidic range. And we know that germs feel particularly uncomfortable in this environment - which can prevent them from growing and multiplying.*Information about the effect of the ingredients can be found under product details
Our skin ...
... is a protective covering, guardian of our immune system, temperature regulator, sensory organ and vitamin D supplier all in one. It is strongly influenced by hormones. These cause skin ageing, acne and hair loss, for example.
The largest human organ
The human skin has an area of 1.5 to 2 m² and a weight of 10 to 14 kg. This makes it our largest organ.
For some years now, the skin has increasingly taken center stage as an organ with complex hormonal properties. If there are corresponding disorders, skin diseases such as acne or hair loss can follow.
In the past, bacteria and diet were mistakenly considered to be the cause of acne. Today we know that sex hormones and stress hormones influence the development of acne - and therefore the condition of the skin.
What you probably didn't know about acne
Acne is the most common skin condition worldwide. Even if acne colloquially appears to be a single skin disease ("blemished skin"), it is actually a collective term for similar but different diseases of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands located in the epidermis and dermis.
These form "comedones", better known as pimples and blackheads. They are caused by the blockage of sebaceous glands due to increased sebum production and keratinization.
During puberty, the increased release of male sex hormones (androgens) stimulates the sebaceous glands, which then produce more sebum.
However, hormone fluctuations do not only occur during puberty - but also during pregnancy, the menopause and after stopping the contraceptive pill. In addition, acne often breaks out during menstruation when the skin is more oily.
However, hormonal factors can lead to more than just skin problems such as acne: Hair loss can also have hormonal causes.
Hair loss due to diseased skin
Pathological hair loss ("alopecia") means that more than 100 hairs a day are left hanging in the brush. An estimated 1.5 million men and 500,000 women in Germany suffer from hair loss. The causes can be very different.
Hormones are often the cause - i.e. the imbalance of male and female hormones - of excessive hair loss. This essentially refers to the lack of the female hormone oestrogen, the female sex hormone.
The vital substances in HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex with Actrisave® can help to maintain normal skin and hair*.
The branded raw material Actrisave® against hair loss
The patented main ingredient Actrisave® in HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex consists of extracts of wild black rice (Oryza sativa) and prickly pear flowers (Opuntia ficus-indica), which can inhibit hair loss enzymes and cell oxidation**.
Prickly pear - the cultivated plant of the Aztecs and Indians
The prickly pear was already a cultivated plant of the Aztecs in what is now Mexico. The Indians were also aware of the benefits of this traditional plant, which is still used today. Prickly pear has the property of "repairing" the skin **.
Black wild rice - antioxidant power
The rice plant comes from the large family of sweet grasses. It is mainly cultivated in Asia. Black wild rice has a broad spectrum of fatty acids and very good antioxidant properties**.
**Scientific studies show positive results
Hair" study
Black wild rice shows high antioxidant activity and inhibits the enzyme 5-α-reductase, which is partly responsible for hair loss.
Source: Ruksiriwanich W. et al. J of Supercritical Fluids 59: 61-71 (2011)
Study "Skin"
Triglycerides make up more than 90 percent of dietary lipids. They provide good protection against the cold in the skin and also protect it from injury. After a two-week intake of prickly pear cactus, the oxidative damage to these lipids was reduced and the antioxidant status improved in healthy people.
Source: Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Aug;80(2):391-5.Tesoriere L1, Butera D, Pintaudi AM, Allegra M, Livrea MA.
Studies "Antioxidant for skin and hair"
The study carried out at the University of Palermo in December 2003 confirmed that prickly pear cactus can protect cells from ageing thanks to oxidation inhibition - in combination with vitamins E and C - also against oxidative stress.
Source: Supplementation with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruit decreases oxidative stress in healthy humans: a comparative study with vitamin C.
As early as 2004, a study found that the main flavonoids of prickly pear have an antioxidant effect. There are many indications that these "new" antioxidants are even more efficient than vitamins, as they are able to delay the prooxidative effects in proteins, DNA and lipids while stable radicals (radical scavengers) are formed.
Source (2): Koti J.O.: Antioxidant compounds from four Opuntia cactus pear fruit varieties. Food Chem 85, 527-533 (2004).
Study "Repairing the skin"
Good news for people with acne: A wound healing test was carried out to test the cicatrizing properties of prickly pear. Conclusion: The polysaccharide and low molecular weight components of prickly pear cactus indicate structural and skin repair properties.
Source: Di Lorenzo F. et al. Carbohydrate Polym. 157: 128-136. (2017)
HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex - all the best for skin and hair
In addition to Actrisave®, HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex contains a large number of high-dose vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They contribute to the maintenance of normal skin, hair and collagen formation as well as to the protection of cells from oxidative stress - and support the immune system*.
This combination of vital substances from HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex with Actrisave® is intended for demanding women and men who want to achieve visible results in a natural way.*Information on the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details
Hyaluronic acid - and how important it is for skin and joints
At a young age, hyaluronic acid production is in full swing. We don't have to worry about wrinkles or aches and pains in our bones and joints. Because there are none.
But as we get older, our body produces less and less hyaluronic acid: at the age of 40 only around 50%, at 60 only around 10% - and the first signs of ageing can quickly become noticeable. Ageing is a natural process.
So what? Nobody has to notice ...
HYALURON KOMPLEX capsules offer you the opportunity to support your beauty regimen and nourish your skin from the inside out - thanks to 500 mg of high-dose hyaluronic acid per capsule in combination with carefully balanced vital and restorative substances for your daily requirements. These support the normal function of the skin, connective tissue, bones and joints* in a remarkably natural way.
Anti-ageing that gets under your skin
Our body's own hyaluronic acid - hyaluronan, abbreviated to HA according to current nomenclature - is a natural wrinkle filler. It regulates the water content in the connective tissue and thus ensures that our skin remains smooth and moisturized. Studies show that hyaluronic acid activates motile cells ("fibroblasts") in the connective tissue in the lower layers of the skin. These cells form new collagen, which makes the skin appear firm, plump and fresh.
High molecular weight or low molecular weight hyaluronic acid? It's all in the mix!
We now know that the molecular size of hyaluronic acid can influence its ability to penetrate the skin and bind moisture.
High molecular weight is defined as a size of >1500 kDa (= kilo-dalton), which has a faster hydrating effect on the surface but is unable to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
Low-molecular hyaluronic acid with a size <50 kDa was also able to bind water in the deep layers of the skin, which can have a positive effect on the desired long-lasting result.
A combination of different molecule sizes that unite both positive properties is therefore considered optimal. Our HYALURON KOMPLEX capsules therefore contain hyaluronic acid in a molecule size of 500-700 kDa - for the best possible utilization in the body.
High-dose hyaluronic acid for moving moments in your joints
Hyaluronic acid is not only valuable for the skin, but is also the main component of synovial fluid and acts as a lubricant in all the movements our joints make.
Thanks to its enormous moisture storage capacity, it can increase its volume many times over like a sponge. This fantastic ability of hyaluronic acid is irreplaceable for the mobility of joints. It also supplies tendons, muscles and all tissues with important nutrients and fluid. Hyaluronic acid allows bones to glide smooth ly when the joint is in motion without rubbing against each other.
Hyaluronic acid also fulfills a shock-absorbing function. The special thing about it is its "intelligent" viscosity. This means that the viscosity of the acid adapts to the forces acting on it in a matter of seconds - and becomes thicker or thinner as required. In other words, hyaluronic acid acts as a sophisticated hydraulic shock absorber system. And it does so in more than 100 places in the body.
Hyaluronic acid capsules - the advantages over creams and injections
In contrast to capsules, "injections" with hyaluronic acid have a shorter start-up time, but side effects can occur after a cannula procedure (swelling, hematomas, skin discoloration, nodules, etc.). Depending on the quality and ingredients (often chemical), creams can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. You should also compare time, effort and costs.
The HYALURON KOMPLEX capsules from Vitactiv also combine high-dose hyaluronic acid with other valuable ingredients, including
Vitamin C for collagen formation*
Zinc and biotin to maintain normal skin*
Copper for skin pigmentation and connective tissue*
Vitamin D and vitamin K to support bone function*
Buy hyaluronic acid capsules - natural and vegan
The hyaluronic acid used in skin care products - whether cosmetics or food supplements - often comes from cockscombs or chicken breast bone. With our HYALURON KOMPLEX, however, you are purchasing a 100% vegan product, as the hyaluronic acid it contains is obtained from fermentation. Hyaluronic acid from this production not only benefits animal welfare, but is also particularly pure and well tolerated. Buy hyaluronic acid capsules without prescription now - pharmacy quality!
*Information on the effect of the ingredients can be found under product details.