Indicazioni sulla salute

Here we have to "keep a close eye on it"
Dear customers,
It is very important to us to explain to you why we are not allowed to make a clear statement about the effect of many of our products. And "may" is already our key word here. Because we at the Feelgood Shop are 100% convinced of our range because we know what our products can do. We would love to share this knowledge with you without restriction, but unfortunately we are often not allowed to.
Food supplements = food
What does dietary supplement actually mean?
It's quite simple, because the definition is right there in the word: food supplements are concentrated substances that are intended to supplement our diet. They are not intended to replace a balanced diet or a generally healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, they belong to the category of foods that are subject to very specific legal provisions according to food regulations. And this is precisely our challenge ...
Health claims - what are they?
The European Food Safety Authority, EFSA for short, was founded in 2002.
"In its role as risk assessor, EFSA provides scientific opinions and recommendations that serve as a basis for European policy-making and legislation relating to the food chain1".
And that's a good thing! Because too many suppliers use exaggerated promises to advertise their products, which mislead potential buyers.
The areas covered by EFSA include
- Nutrition
- Food and feed safety
- Animal health and welfare
- Plant protection
- Plant health
As part of this, the "Health Claims Regulation" was passed in 2006. This defines which health claims relating to ingredients are permitted and which are not. If we were to make claims that are not permitted or claims that have never been submitted to EFSA for review, this could lead to severe penalties. Of course, the regulation is regularly updated.
Our world of stars
You have probably already noticed one or two asterisks in our product descriptions. Of course, we don't do this because we like asterisks so much. Rather, they serve as a reference to health claims which, according to the EFSA, may be made about the effect of the ingredients contained in the respective product. You can always find these "health claims" on the product details page. If no claims are listed under "Product details", this may mean, among other things, that efficacy claims for the respective ingredient have not yet been officially tested. This is the case with some plant substances, for example.
Do you still have questions?
It is worth using the uncensored information on the internet about the respective ingredients. This is because we are only allowed to make statements here that comply with the health claims published by the EFSA and valid throughout the EU. If you have any questions about the ingredients etc., we will be happy to advise you individually on the phone. Our free hotline: 0800-678 7997 (Mon.-Fri. from 8.00-17.00).