Surprise: Grape seed OPC in red wine keeps you healthy
Are you familiar with the "French paradox" in connection with OPCs? Research has shown that the French live longer than Germans or Americans despite (or precisely because of) their alcohol consumption - there are three times fewer heart attacks in France than in the USA. One reason for this effect is the regular consumption of red wine.
The polyphenols present in red wine, which include OPC (abbreviation for "oligomeric proanthocyanidins" or "oligomeric procyanidins") - the antioxidants contained in grape seeds- are responsible for this phenomenon. These are only present in red wine: This is because, unlike white wine, here the must is not pressed for fermentation, but the entire fruit is fermented with the polyphenol-rich skins and seeds (known as the mash).
Fortunately, you don't have to drink gallons of French red wine to benefit from the antioxidants in grape seeds. One Vitactiv OPC capsule a day, taken with a glass of water, has the same positive effect. Find out more about what grape seed extract OPCs really do.
What exactly are OPCs?
OPCs are natural, plant-based bitter substances that are found in the seeds of grapes, for example. They belong to the group of bioflavonoids and are classified as polyphenols. OPCs are just as important as their partner, vitamin C. This is why OPCs are only found in plants together with vitamin C.
Due to the processing and long storage of most foods, OPCs and vitamin C have almost completely disappeared from our diet. A sufficient supply can only be achieved today through the daily - but not recommended - consumption of approx. 2 liters of red wine, because red wine contains a lot of OPC (but unfortunately also alcohol and many calories and many other "side effects" that should be known).
OPC use: What OPC capsules can do for the body
The human cell has the natural function of detoxifying and repairing itself. Excessive environmental stress can disrupt this protective function. Damage of various kinds can be the result. Examples are
Premature ageing of the skin
Impairment of the cardiovascular system
Problems with the eyes
Memory problems
Concentration problems
Joint problems
A diet rich in antioxidants can therefore help to prevent or mitigate such damage. Natural OPCs can support our immune function - and therefore our health and vitality. This is because these antioxidants are regarded as the No. 1 "radical scavengers".
What causes oxidative stress? You probably know the answer: Environmental pollution (ozone, UV radiation, air pollution, etc.) and an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol, nicotine, physical and mental stress, etc.) can lead to oxidative stress. OPCs in our plant-based diet provide natural protection against this. If you are unable to meet your needs through food, supplements such as Vitactiv OPC capsules are a good way to boost your diet.
OPC and their effect on allergies
Almost one in three people in Germany between the ages of 18 and 79 suffered from an allergy last year (Robert Koch Institute study). And the number of millions of people struggling with hay fever, skin rashes, respiratory problems, watery and itchy eyes and the like is constantly increasing. The cause: the immune system overreacts when pollen or other "anti-substances" from the environment come into contact with mucous membranes. Allergies are basically reactions triggered by the hormone histamine (histamine intolerance).
Accordingly, allergy sufferers want a functioning immune system - preferably in a natural way. As natural plant substances from grapes, OPCs support normal skin function and more*.
Grape seed capsules: the special thing about OPC
Vitactiv OPC is obtained in complex production steps from the extract of grape seeds. A special extraction process ensures a guaranteed pure and high OPC content. OPCs usually reach their highest concentration in the blood about 45 minutes after ingestion and are then completely used up within 72 hours.
There are now many suppliers of OPC products, e.g. in the form of capsules or tablets. When buying a product, make sure that it really does contain highly concentrated OPCs. Often only the powder - without extracted OPC - of ground grape seeds, grapefruit seeds, pine or vine leaves is offered. These food supplements have a much lower OPC content. They are therefore not only significantly less effective, but ultimately also more expensive than genuine, good OPCs.
Our grape preparation contains 350 mg of pure OPC of the highest purity and quality per daily dose (1 capsule). Our OPC grape seed extract capsules also provide you with vitamin C and 25 mg citrus bioflavonoids. The latter are secondary plant substances that are mainly found in the peel of citrus fruits. They give the fruit its color and aroma. Citrus flavonoids enjoy a reputation as natural "vitamin boosters".
Buy OPC capsules - at the best price in the Feelgood Shop
Which OPC to buy? Convince yourself of our high-purity OPC in pharmacy-quality. Available here and buy OPC capsules online without prescription - get the power of natural antioxidants!
*Information about the effects of the ingredients in our OPC capsules can be found under product details.
Even the ancient Romans benefited from the artichoke
"After eating, should you rest or take 1000 steps?" For the ancient Romans, the answer was clear: neither! They simply reached for the artichoke (botanical name: Cynara scolymus). The thistle-like cultivated plant was served to the nobility and wealthy - after their famously lavish feasts with greasy food and lots of alcohol - to get their digestion and bodies going again. But what the ancients didn't know about this pleasantly bitter-tasting "luxury vegetable" was that artichokes are even better before meals! This is because the artichoke is rich in vitamins A, B1 and folic acid, minerals and soluble fibers (including inulin). And today we know that a diet rich in fiber fills you up faster and helps to regulate your appetite. And if you feel full faster, you eat less and lose weight faster.
ARTISCHOCKE 600 - with a particularly high proportion of cynarin for digestion
Artichokes contain many valuable nutrients. The most important of these is cynarin. Cynarin is a plant substance that belongs to the organic caffeic acid compounds. The aromatic cynarin is primarily responsible for the production of bile, which in turn supports the digestion of dietary fats*.
Artichoke against digestive problems
Digestion is the process of breaking down food in the digestive tract. How long the digestion process takes depends on the food components. Carbohydrates are digested and utilized the fastest, followed by proteins. Dietary fats take the longest to be digested - this can take up to three days. This can put a lot of strain on the body. Especially after a high-fat meal or if you already have problems with digestion ... The artichoke in ARTISCHOCKE 600 supports digestion, the normal functioning of the intestinal tract and helps with digestive complaints (stomach pain, nausea, bloating, flatulence).
Lower your blood lipid levels with artichokes
Especially those who often eat fatty foods need a functioning fat metabolism. Fat metabolism is the breakdown of dietary fats in the digestive tract, in short: "fat digestion". This begins in the stomach and continues in the intestine. We absorb the following fats (lipids) through our food:
Cholesterol (eggs, meat, etc.)
Triglycerides (vegetable oils, animal fats, etc.)
Fatty acids of different sizes (chain length of the molecule) and saturation (saturated or unsaturated fatty acids)
The amount of these fats that we consume is reflected in our blood lipid levels. For example, high blood cholesterol levels (primarily the "bad LDL cholesterol") can have serious consequences - from circulatory disorders to heart attacks or strokes. The aim should therefore be to normalize blood lipid levels. Which brings us back to ARTISCHOCKE 600: Because artichoke can help to lower blood lipid levels*.
Lose weight naturally with artichokes
According to the "Study on the Health of Adults in Germany" conducted by the Robert Koch Institute in 2012, around 53% of women and 67% of men are overweight. This means that they had a BMI (body mass index) of over 25 points. Today we know that there is a connection between being overweight and the blood lipid levels already mentioned. However, artichokes not only help to lower blood lipid levels, they also promote weight loss*. ARTISCHOCKE 600 from My Perfect Shape can therefore be a particularly useful companion during a diet - in a completely natural and plant-based way. Please note: There are artichoke preparations on the market that are advertised as being able to lose 5-10 kg in just a few days by taking them. Such advertising promises are completely unrealistic and dubious. It is better to stay away from such products, which are often sold at completely inflated prices and are advertised very aggressively on TV and the Internet.
Artichoke - and the liver laughs
The liver plays a major role in our metabolism. It functions like a chemical factory, breaking down, converting and building up substances - and is involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The body can excrete toxic substances via the liver. It also provides bile acids for fat metabolism. These tasks make the liver absolutely vital. It is dangerous that diseases of this organ are often not recognized at first, as it is insensitive to pain. An unhealthy diet can damage the liver - and even go unnoticed for many years. With ARTISCHOCKE 600 you can rely on a particularly high-quality dietary supplement. The fact that artichoke also supports normal heart health and the normal immune system* is a less important, but all the better side effect.*Information about the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details.
Prima di tutto: gli integratori alimentari non sono agenti disintossicanti. Il nostro sistema digestivo, in particolare il fegato, è responsabile della disintossicazione dell'organismo. È qui che le sostanze vegetali, in combinazione con uno stile di vita sano, possono essere d'aiuto, sostenendo il lavoro del fegato, della digestione e del metabolismo. Un ottimo rimedio è il LEBER FIT Complex, ad esempio, le cui sostanze vegetali vitali aiutano a regolare la funzione epatica e la digestione. Scoprite qui altri prodotti con ingredienti naturali per la vostra salute.
Sono numerose le tossine che assorbiamo ogni giorno attraverso la pelle e il cibo. I nostri organi lavorano duramente per scomporre questi prodotti di scarto ed evitare che si accumulino nelle nostre cellule. La cellula umana ha la funzione naturale di disintossicarsi e ripararsi. Tuttavia, l'eccessivo inquinamento ambientale può compromettere questa funzione protettiva.
Un'alimentazione ricca di antiossidanti può favorire la protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo: l'uva rossa ne è un esempio. Le OPC (proantocianidine oligomeriche) contenute nei semi d'uva sono sostanze amare naturali di origine vegetale. Appartengono al gruppo dei bioflavonoidi e sono classificati come polifenoli. Le OPC sono considerate antiossidanti e aiutano a proteggere le cellule dallo stress ossidativo. Il popolare prodotto OPC è disponibile qui nel Feelgood Shop ed è ottenuto dall'estratto di semi d'uva.
Le capsule contengono un contenuto concentrato di OPC del 69% e contengono anche flavonoidi di agrumi e vitamina C.Fonte: 1Umweltbundesamt: Wie krank machen Umwelteinflüsse?
Oggi le piante e i loro ingredienti sono sempre più oggetto di studio da parte degli scienziati.
Studi condotti dalla Hanyang University in Corea del Sud nel 2008 e dall'Università di Seoul nel 2014 hanno dimostrato che l'alga clorella ha la capacità di legare i metalli pesanti e le tossine, di intrappolarli e di trasportare in questo modo le tossine in circolo fuori dall'organismo.2 Incorporate nella vostra dieta un frullato fruttato con polvere di CLORELLA - superfood biologico - e fatevi del bene al mattino.Fonte: 2Studio Seoul 2014
La semplice rinuncia a zucchero, alcol e caffeina può fare una grande differenza. Le cure a digiuno, che prevedono l'astensione dai cibi solidi, sono un classico programma di disintossicazione. Una forma più blanda è rappresentata dalle cure alcalinizzanti, che consistono in una dieta a base esclusivamente vegetale. Molti tipi di cavolo aiutano il fegato nel processo di disintossicazione e accelerano l'eliminazione delle tossine dall'organismo.
Un ortaggio particolarmente utile per una sana digestione è il carciofo. Il nostro consiglio: ARTISCHOCKE 600 - l'estratto naturale di carciofo favorisce la digestione e la funzionalità epatica.
Il cardo mariano in particolare, con la sua sostanza vegetale silimarina, è noto come un aiuto naturale per il fegato. L'estratto di cardo mariano contenuto nel Milk Thistle Complex, ad esempio, contribuisce a una sana funzione epatica.
If you have any questions or need advice, please contact us.