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666.36 0.033 1


Articolo n: A476
PZN: 17504489

21,99 €

(666,36 € / 1 kg)
21,99 €*
Da 3
20,89 €*
-5 %
Da 5
19,79 €*
-10 %
Libero da
Senza allergeni
Libero da
Senza coloranti artificiali
Libero da
Senza conservanti artificiali
Libero da
Senza esaltatori di sapidità artificiali
Libero da
Senza glutine
Libero da
Senza lattosio
Libero da
Senza ormoni
Libero da
Senza soia
Libero da
Senza uova
Libero da
Senza zucchero

Natural "brain power" with anti-stress formula

GEHIRN AKTIV Complex consists of a unique, natural nutrient formula with the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid) and the patented branded raw material Bluenesse® lemon balm extract. The ingredients of GEHIRN AKTIV Complex support cognitive and mental performance*, including memory, learning, concentration, planning, problem solving, orientation and creativity.

The ingredients also contribute to normal mental health and relaxation, e.g. in the event of increased stress levels.*

This product impresses with its premium quality, tested by a German institute.

Info sui prodotti "BRAIN ACTIVE Complex"

Stress causes concentration problems and less brain power

You probably know it ... Constant noise, crowds of people everywhere, too much stimulation from cell phones, computers, television and so on ... The total sensory overload that modern people have to endure in everyday life can easily cause stress, nervousness and irritability. All this in turn can lead to a decline in brain and memory performance.

GABA and the nervous system!

If stress cannot be processed normally, it is often due to a lack of GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid). GABA is a natural messenger substance (neurotransmitter) in the brain. If it is present in sufficient quantities, people can concentrate better and feel more relaxed and balanced. However, sometimes the body's GABA reserves are no longer sufficient to calm the nervous system - especially with increasing age.

For whom is a dietary supplement with GEHIRN AKTIV COMPLEX with GABA recommended?

  • People who want to strengthen their memory and cognitive functions
  • People who need to be mentally efficient under great pressure
  • People who suffer from stress and great pressure (professional or private)
  • People who are naturally anxious or prone to stress
  • Adults who suffer from coordination difficulties
  • Athletes who have to concentrate hard in their sport

Scientific studies on GABA

In an international collaborative study with Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA), neuroscientists at Ruhr University Bochum have investigated how the concentration of the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain influences learning processes. The study found that the baseline concentration of GABA in the brain influences learning success.
Source: Local GABA Concentration Predicts Perceptual Improvements After Repetitive Sensory Stimulation in Humans Cerebral Cortex doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv296.

Scientists from Jena and Tübingen were able to measure the function of the neurotransmitter GABA in the living organism. Their results show that the neurotransmitter, which inhibits the adult brain, activates immature nerve cells during early brain development.
Source: Nat Commun 2015; online July 16

GEHIRN AKTIV Complex + Bluenesse® lemon balm extract

In addition to GABA, GEHIRN AKTIV Complex contains another "performance enhancer": the patented branded raw material Bluenesse® lemon balm extract. It is known that lemon balm extract is good for cognitive and mental abilities as well as for a calm and positive mood* - for a more relaxed state, even when things get stressful.

Lemon balm was already successful in ancient times

Lemon balm (or lemon balm) enjoyed its first successes in ancient Greece. The philosopher Avicenna was particularly fond of lemon balm and was convinced: "Lemon balm has a strange power to cheer the spirit and dispel melancholy".

Lemon balm grows wild in the eastern Mediterranean. Lemon balm leaves contain a lemony, fresh-smelling essential oil. The rosmarinic acid contained in lemon balm is particularly important.

The other "brain activators" in GEHIRN AKTIV Complex

In addition to GABA and Bluenesse® lemon balm extract, GEHIRN AKTIV Complex also contains other natural and valuable vital substances: Green tea extract, rhodiola rosea extract, guarana, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and folic acid - to support mental vitality, neurotransmitter synthesis and to reduce stress and fatigue.

Note: Contains caffeine (in guarana). Not recommended for children and pregnant women (5.5 mg caffeine/capsule). You should take this product at 5 pm at the latest to avoid problems falling asleep.

*Information about the effects of the ingredients under product details

Libero da: Senza allergeni, Senza coloranti artificiali, Senza conservanti artificiali, Senza esaltatori di sapidità artificiali, Senza glutine, Senza lattosio, Senza ormoni, Senza soia, Senza uova, Senza zucchero
Proprietà: Vegano, Vegetariano


60 capsules (lasts up to 30 days)

*The following statements about the effect of the ingredients are permitted according to EFSA1 or are available for review:

  • Lemon balm extract supports cognitive and mental performance
  • Lemon balm extract supports mental health
  • Lemon balm extract supports relaxation
  • Lemon balm extract contributes to a positive mood
  • Rhodiola rosea extract supports the nervous system
  • Rhodiola rosea extract supports the oxygen supply
  • Rhodiola rosea extract supports cognitive and mental performance
  • Rhodiola rosea extract is considered an antioxidant and adaptogen
  • Rhodiola rosea extract reduces feelings of stress
  • Guarana supports physical and mental vitality
  • Guarana supports energy levels
  • Guarana is good against tiredness
  • Pantothenic acid contributes to normal mental performance
  • Pantothenic acid contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to normal mental function
  • Folic acid contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Folic acid contributes to normal mental function

1EuropeanFood Safety Authority

Nutrient declaration:

2 capsules contain / % of the recommended daily requirement*:

  • Lemon balm extract 300 mg / **
  • Gamma-amino-butyric acid 100 mg / **
  • Rhodiola rosea extract 100 mg / **
  • Green tea extract 50 mg / **
    - contains polyphenols 47.5 mg / **
    - contains EGCG 22.5 mg / **
  • Guarana fruit extract 50 mg / **
    - contains caffeine 11 mg / **
  • Pantothenic acid 6 mg / 100%
  • Vitamin B6 1.4 mg / 100%
  • Folic acid 100 µg / 50%

* NRV (nutrient reference values), % of the recommended daily intake for adults according to LMIV
** LMIV recommendation not specified

Note: The consumption of products with Rhodiola Rosea (rose root) is not suitable for people suffering from bipolar disorder (manic depression).


Lemon balm extract(2) (Melissa officinalis (L.); bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose; hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (capsule shell); gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA); Rhodiola rosea extract; green tea extract (Camelia sinensis L.); guarana extract (Paullinia cupana); anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide; calcium D-pantothenate; pyridoxine hydrochloride; pteroylmonoglutamic acid.

(2)Bluenesse® - a registered trademark of Vital Solution GmbH, Germany

This product is FREE from:

GMO, yeast, wheat, lactose, preservatives, soy, artificial colors, artificial flavors, egg, salt, fructose, fish ingredients.

This product is suitable for vegans and vegetarians!


At BOTANICY, we have set ourselves the goal of only using raw materials whose use is supported by studies. That is why we only work with the best specialists for innovative branded raw materials in Europe for this brand.

BOTANICY products are produced in Europe according to ISO standards (including HACCP) and are therefore subject to strict German and EU laws as well as the strictest quality controls. The quality is also regularly checked by renowned laboratories in Germany.

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Acquisto verificato Viola


Ich bin endlich wieder ausgeglichener und konzentrierter.

Ich wollte es mal ausprobieren, da ich öfters ruhelos war und das Gefühl hatte, hin und wieder geistig nicht richtig auf der Höhe zu sein. Jetzt sorge ich dafür, dass mir dieses Produkt nie ausgeht. Bei mir wirkt es hervorragend. Ich bin endlich wieder ausgeglichener und konzentrierter. Ich kann es wirklich nur empfehlen.

Acquisto verificato Andrea


besser konzentrieren

Ich kann besser konzentrieren, mein Gehirn ist schneller.

Acquisto verificato Bertl


leistungsfähiger und gelassener

Bin nicht mehr so müde, dafür leistungsfähiger und gelassener

Acquisto verificato Anna



Ich fühle mich wohl

Acquisto verificato Claudia, Bad Neuenahr


Genau das was ich brauchte

Ich war auf der Suche nach einem Produkt mit dem Inhaltsstoff Bluenesse, weil ich gelesen hatte das dieser Stoff die Fähigkeit fördert, auch in stressigen Situationen zielgerichtet und strukturiert handeln zu können. Genau das was ich brauchte. Und es hilft. Ich kann mich besser konzentrieren, focussierter arbeiten, schweife nicht mehr so oft ab oder klicke mich von rechts nach links nach links zurück und und und.... Es arbeitet sich für mich ruhiger, entspannter und fokussierter. Habe direkt mal nachbestellt.

Acquisto verificato Ioannis, Schweiz


Meine Konzentration hat sich gut verbessert

Meine Konzentration hat sich innerhalb 5 Tagen gut verbessert. Ich habe mir jetzt noch andere Vitaminen von Feel Good bestellt und werde die in nächster Zeit kommentieren.

Acquisto verificato Janni, Schweiz



Ich bin sehr erstaunt. Wegen den guten Bewertungen habe ich gestern nur eine Kapsel eingenommen, da ich dachte, dass es nicht zu stark sein soll und habe auch nicht viel gemerkt. Heute Mittag habe ich zwei Kapseln genommen und kann es nur noch weiter empfehlen. Ich habe die Kapseln um 12:00 Uhr genommen und es hat sich nach ca: 1 Stunde bemerkbar gemacht. Ich fühle mich immer noch sehr Fit und konzentrierter nach 7 Stunden. TOP PRODUKT.

Acquisto verificato Anonym



Ich habe nachdem ich frustriert feststellen musste, dass ich nicht mehr so aufnahmefähig war wie früher, mich auf die Suche nach etwas gemacht, was diese Leistung wieder steigern kann. Dabei bin ich auf diese Kapseln gestoßen und habe aufgrund der Bewertung Nägel mit Köpfen gemacht und einfach gekauft. Nun habe ich mir bereits die zweite Packung bestellt, dass ich schon nach einmal Einnahme eine ganz klare Verbesserung meiner Aufnahmefähigkeit verspürt habe. Ich war ziemlich geflasht. Ich kann endlich wieder lernen, ohne dass ich meine Sachen nach 5 Minuten beiseite lege, weil ich nur Bahnhof verstehe.

Acquisto verificato Elisabeth, Rade vorm Wald


Hätte ich so nicht erwartet.

Ich fühle mich seit Einnahme der Kapseln deutlich geistig fitter.

Acquisto verificato Anonym



Durch die Einnahme dieser Kapseln konnte ich mich besser konzentrieren, war allgemein wacher und auch etwas leistungsfähiger. Allerdings sollten empfindliche Personen die Kapseln wohl eher Abends anwenden , da Koffein enthalten ist und sie mich ziemlich aufdrehen , aber ich empfinde das als positiv

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