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19 Articolo
Ordina per:
Con BERGAVIT® - per valori naturalmente normali

Contenuto: 0.064 kg (323,28 €* / 1 kg)

22,99 € (359,22 € / 1 kg)
HERZ VITAL - Aglio nero
Gusto e odore assolutamente neutri!

Contenuto: 0.03 kg (499,67 €* / 1 kg)

14,99 € 21,99 €

(499,67 € / 1 kg)
Complesso BLUTZUCKER - Capsule
Per livelli normali di zucchero nel sangue - capsule con cannella e altro ancora

Contenuto: 0.059 kg (287,97 €* / 1 kg)

19,99 € (338,81 € / 1 kg)
OLIO DI CRILL antartico forte - Omega 3
Per il cuore, il fegato e il metabolismo dei grassi

Contenuto: 0.0495 kg (363,43 €* / 1 kg)

17,99 € 24,99 €

(363,43 € / 1 kg)
Per la funzione cardiaca e il metabolismo energetico

Contenuto: 0.052 kg (261,35 €* / 1 kg)

15,99 € (307,50 € / 1 kg)
L Arginina capsule ad alto dosaggio - per la pressione sanguigna e la circolazione

Contenuto: 0.1386 kg (122,58 €* / 1 kg)

19,99 € (144,23 € / 1 kg)
33 vitamine, minerali ed estratti vegetali in ogni capsula

Contenuto: 0.051 kg (290,00 €* / 1 kg)

14,79 € 18,99 €

(290,00 € / 1 kg)
RISO ROSSO (monacolina K) + colina + zinco
Estratto 20:1 di alta qualità con 2,5 mg di monacolina K

Contenuto: 0.03 kg (423,00 €* / 1 kg)

14,99 € (499,67 € / 1 kg)
Per ridurre i livelli di lipidi nel sangue

Contenuto: 0.0322 kg (474,84 €* / 1 kg)

17,99 € (558,70 € / 1 kg)
Olio di pesce Omega 3 1000
Capsule di olio di pesce per cuore, cervello, occhi ed energia

Contenuto: 0.043 kg (197,44 €* / 1 kg)

9,99 € (232,33 € / 1 kg)
VITAMINA E 400 U.I. Capsule
Vitamina E naturale - altamente dosata, ad alta biodisponibilità

Contenuto: 0.072 kg (199,86 €* / 1 kg)

16,99 € (235,97 € / 1 kg)
Compresse di ACIDO FOLICO
400 μg di acido folico in 1 compressa al giorno

Contenuto: 0.0207 kg (434,30 €* / 1 kg)

8,99 € 9,99 €

(434,30 € / 1 kg)
Compresse di VITAMINA B12
B12 ad alto dosaggio - vegana, altamente biodisponibile

Contenuto: 0.0396 kg (343,18 €* / 1 kg)

15,99 € (403,79 € / 1 kg)
Olio di alghe Omega 3 vegano con DHA ed EPA - altamente dosato!

Contenuto: 0.0414 kg (434,54 €* / 1 kg)

17,99 € 19,99 €

(434,54 € / 1 kg)
COENZYM Q10 capsule
Altamente dosato e derivato da piante

Contenuto: 0.041 kg (463,17 €* / 1 kg)

18,99 € 29,99 €

(463,17 € / 1 kg)
La nuova formula 3-in-1 per energia e vitalità

Contenuto: 0.03 kg (366,33 €* / 1 kg)

10,99 € 14,99 €

(366,33 € / 1 kg)
GINKGO Complex with Cognigrape
GINKGO Complex stands for mental performance Sometimes you don't know where you left your keys? Can't remember the title of the movie you watched the night before or can't remember the name of a person you actually know? Such "scatterbrainedness" does not have to be caused by age-related degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or senile dementia. In most cases, it is simply an age-related decline in the brain's mental capacity. Because ... ... the brain also ages Ageing is a normal biological process that also affects the brain. It also undergoes general ageing processes such as vascular changes and diseases. In addition, the nerve cells (neurons) of the brain show specific ageing processes. Mental performance declines continuously from early adulthood onwards. However, there are ways to give the brain a boost with purely plant-based nutrients ... The branded raw material COGNIGRAPE® - red grape fruit extract COGNIGRAPE® is a natural, highly concentrated extract of red grape fruit. Red grape fruit extract is considered an antioxidant and supports the function of blood vessels.* COGNIGRAPE®, developed by the Italian company BIONAP, has high concentrations of active grape substances such as "anthocyanins" and "proanthocyanidins" - these are secondary plant substances that are only produced in special cell types. Studies with COGNIGRAPE® show positive results with regard to cognitive functions such as attention, language and memory. COGNIGRAPE® and the polyphenols it contains were also convincing in terms of neuropsychological status in healthy elderly patients. Study "COGNIGRAPE® and brain function" The effect of COGNIGRAPE® on brain function was investigated in 2017 in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 111 healthy older adults (average age 66.9 ± 5.2 years). The cognitive and neuropsychological status of each subject was evaluated in the treated (250 mg/day) and non-treated group after 12 weeks. At the end of the study, a significant improvement was observed in the COGNIGRAPE® group on various items such as attention, language, immediate and delayed memory. In addition, and unexpectedly, an interesting improvement in mood occurred in the COGNIGRAPE® group, which was associated with better cognitive performance and the overall neuropsychological state of the subjects. Source: Calapai G, et al: A Randomized, Double-blinded, Clinical Trial on Effects of a Vitis vinifera Extract on Cognitive function in Healthy Older Adults. Front Pharmacol 8:776, 2017 Ginkgo Biloba - for blood circulation and memory Also known as the "Japanese temple tree", ginkgo has been an integral part of traditional Chinese culture for over 5,000 years. The good news of the many uses of ginkgo leaves and ginkgo seeds has spread around the world over the centuries. Ginkgo Biloba is known to support blood circulation and normalize cognitive abilities.* In Europe and the USA, ginkgo extracts have been among the best-selling dietary supplements for many years. Study "Ginkgo Biloba and cognitive performance" Various relevant databases were searched by Chinese scientists in March 2014 for suitable randomized, controlled trials of Ginkgo Biloba therapy in patients with cognitive impairment and dementia. Nine studies met the criteria. The trials lasted 22-26 weeks and included 2,561 patients in total. The conclusion was that Ginkgo Biloba at a minimum dosage of 240 mg/day is able to stabilize or slow down a decline in mental performance and behavior in activities of daily living - especially in cognitive impairment, dementia and subjects with neuropsychiatric symptoms. Source: Tan MS, Yu JT, Tan CC, Wang HF, et al: Efficacy and adverse effects of Ginkgo Biloba for cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2014 GINKGO Complex can do even more - thanks to valuable vitamins, minerals and trace elements Vitamin B2, vitamin C, zinc, iron, manganese and pantothenic acid round off GINKGO Complex. These nutrients support normal mental function, normal oxygen transport in the body, the normal function of the immune system and contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. With this unique, innovative combination of natural nutrients from GINKGO Complex, the next decade of life can come!*Information about the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details

Contenuto: 0.03 kg (411,33 €* / 1 kg)

12,34 € 18,99 €

(411,33 € / 1 kg)
HANFSAMENÖL capsules + vitamin E
Hemp, the global health phenomenon! Hemp is currently on everyone's lips - whether as hemp oil capsules to swallow, hemp tea, hemp flour or as lip balm and soap for body care. Never before have there been so many hemp products that focus on human health. And rightly so! Because hemp is THE upcoming superfood worldwide. Science is gaining valuable new insights into "Cannabis sativa", the botanical name for real hemp, on an almost daily basis. And the fan community is growing and growing ... You should definitely try the HEMP SEED OIL capsules from Vitactiv. You can find out what the hemp plant can do in the following sections. The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is right in hemp seeds Omega fatty acids are generally a good thing, that is well known. But what many people don't know is that a healthy diet depends on the right ratio. The ideal ratio is between 2:1 and 5:1, i.e. two to five parts omega 6 to one part omega 3. In hemp seed oil, the ratio of 3:1 is naturally perfect - just like in the hemp seed oil capsules from "Vitactiv"! Hemp seed oil - nutrients from plants can be so healthy Natural hemp seed oil supports human health in many ways: It is anti-inflammatory, supports heart health, blood vessel function, the immune system, skin health and muscle and joint function.* Hemp seed oil also helps to normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels.* And it's all naturally plant-based. By the way: HEMP SEED OIL consists of 100 % virgin, i.e. cold-pressed oil. This natural and gentle extraction process preserves vitamins, minerals and trace elements in their original form. Vitamin E helps against oxidative stress The hemp seed oil capsules are rounded off with natural vitamin E, which helps to protect our body cells from oxidative stress.* Oxidative stress always occurs when the body is exposed to harmful influences - on the one hand from the environment (air pollution, ozone, etc.) and on the other from an unhealthy lifestyle (nicotine, alcohol, etc.). Psychological problems also generate these dangerous oxidants ("free radicals"), which age the cells more quickly and make them more susceptible to disease. Buy HANFSAMENÖL capsules + vitamin E now Bring your omega fatty acid ratio into a healthy balance! Hemp seed oil + vitamin E supports you in this - as well as your heart health, your blood vessels, your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and much more * Best buy hemp oil capsules without prescription today - pharmacy quality! *Information about the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.044 kg (227,05 €* / 1 kg)

9,99 € 12,99 €

(227,05 € / 1 kg)
The living fossil with a very special power The first ginkgos (botan.: Ginkgo Biloba) grew around 250 million years ago. Due to its extremely high resilience, only the ginkgo survived the ice age - as the only "living fossil", as Charles Darwin called the ginkgo. Also known as the "Japanese temple tree", the ginkgo has been an integral part of traditional Chinese culture for over 5,000 years. Over the centuries, the good news of the many uses of ginkgo leaves and ginkgo seeds has spread around the world. Today, the ginkgo, which can live for over 1,000 years, is more interesting to science than ever. After all, it has a very special power that makes it so resilient and can benefit people ... Would you like to be as resilient as a ginkgo tree? Of course, we're not going to tell you that you can live for over 1,000 years like a ginkgo tree. But it is a fact that your health can benefit from the GINKGO-BILOBA-500 ingredients - including Blood circulation - even the circulation of fine blood vessels in the brain, the cardiovascular system, cognitive abilities (perception, thinking, feeling, judging, willing and acting), mental balance as well as vision and hearing* The special thing about GINKGO BILOBA 500 is the extra extract! In contrast to most ginkgo preparations, our product is not only highly dosed with 500 mg ginkgo biloba per tablet, but also contains the high-quality ginkgo biloba extract in addition to the ginkgo biloba powder. And it is precisely THAT that makes the difference! Hardly any other preparation contains the valuable extract. Compare GINKGO BILOBA 500 with Ginkgo products from the pharmacy and you will be amazed at how inexpensive and high quality GINKGO BILOBA 500 is. Ginkgo Biloba in the media and science Reports, studies and news about Ginkgo Biloba come from all over the world - and are on everyone's lips. Here are three examples: Study results on concentration and performance One study examined the intake of a ginkgo extract in 296 people between the ages of 45 and 65. Half received a ginkgo extract, the other half a placebo. After three months, the patients in the ginkgo group - regardless of age - proved to be more concentrated, more attentive and more productive.Source: Neuroscience & Medicine Vol.2 No.1(2011), Article ID:4279, DOI:10.4236/nm.2011.21007 "NDR" about "visible blood circulation with Ginkgo" NDR television reported on the program "Visite": Berlin researchers have succeeded in visualizing blood flow after taking ginkgo preparations. With the help of so-called intravital microscopy and reflection spectrometry, they were able to show that the blood flow of the smallest vessels (microcirculation) is improved. However, this requires the regular intake of high doses of ginkgo. "The recommendations made to date regarding the amount to be taken per day are therefore clearly too low". "Wirtschaftswoche" reports on more precise movement sequences "Training for the memory" was the title of the article published in "Wirtschaftswoche". A study showed that substances such as ginkgo extracts made movement sequences more precise, increased mood and improved concentration. The test subjects remained more relaxed and were thus better able to cope with stress. Rely on natural vitality for brain, heart & energy! Benefit from GINKGO BILOBA 500 - the high-dose ginkgo bestseller with high-quality natural ginkgo biloba extract and ginkgo biloba powder. *Information about the effect of the ingredients under product details

Contenuto: 0.03 kg (366,33 €* / 1 kg)

12,99 € (433,00 € / 1 kg)

Integratori alimentari per cuore e vasi sanguigni

Il cuore umano batte circa 100.000 volte al giorno e ogni singolo battito è (super)vitale. Lo stress, una dieta non sana, la mancanza di esercizio fisico, l'alcol, la nicotina, ecc. sono spesso fattori scatenanti delle malattie cardiovascolari. Tuttavia, gli ingredienti delle capsule di aglio nero HERZ VITAL, tra cui ferro, vitamine del gruppo B, ecc. sono davvero utili per il cuore e i vasi sanguigni1. Volete scoprire altri integratori alimentari per il cuore?

Ecco a voi ...Fonte: 1Uniklinik Freiburg: Aglio nero
Un cuore sano richiede uno stile di vita sano. Esercizio fisico regolare, sonno sufficiente, alcol con moderazione, poco stress e non troppo peso in eccesso. La base di tutto ciò è una dieta equilibrata, che deve assolutamente contenere vitamina B1. La vitamina B1 è infatti la vitamina del cuore per eccellenza. È particolarmente presente in:

  • Broccoli
  • carne di maiale
  • Prodotti integrali
  • legumi
  • noci
Tuttavia, alcuni di questi alimenti sono molto calorici. L'integratore alimentare COENZYM Q10 più vitamina B1 - per favorire la funzione cardiaca - non contiene affatto calorie. Perfetto per normalizzare la pressione sanguigna per il cuore: L-ARGININA KOMPLEX più potassio. Il minerale potassio contribuisce infatti al mantenimento di una pressione sanguigna normale.
Gli acidi grassi sani, ovvero gli acidi grassi omega 3, fanno bene al cuore. Qui possiamo offrirvi tre prodotti di punta tra gli integratori alimentari: le capsule di olio di krill ANTARKTIS KRILLÖL forte con alte dosi di omega 3, le capsule di olio di pesce OMEGA 3 e le capsule di olio di semi di canapa come alternativa vegana. Gli acidi omega 3 favoriscono la funzione cardiaca e sono utili anche per il cervello.

If you have any questions or need advice, please contact us.

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