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6 Articolo
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OLIO DI CRILL antartico forte - Omega 3
Per il cuore, il fegato e il metabolismo dei grassi

Contenuto: 0.0495 kg (454,34 €* / 1 kg)

24,99 € (504,85 € / 1 kg)
Con BERGAVIT® - per valori naturalmente normali

Contenuto: 0.064 kg (323,28 €* / 1 kg)

22,99 € (359,22 € / 1 kg)
Per ridurre i livelli di lipidi nel sangue

Contenuto: 0.032 kg (449,69 €* / 1 kg)

14,39 € 17,99 €

(449,69 € / 1 kg)
RISO ROSSO (monacolina K) + colina + zinco
Estratto 20:1 di alta qualità con 2,5 mg di monacolina K

Contenuto: 0.03 kg (399,67 €* / 1 kg)

11,99 € 14,99 €

(399,67 € / 1 kg)
Even the ancient Romans benefited from the artichoke "After eating, should you rest or take 1000 steps?" For the ancient Romans, the answer was clear: neither! They simply reached for the artichoke (botanical name: Cynara scolymus). The thistle-like cultivated plant was served to the nobility and wealthy - after their famously lavish feasts with greasy food and lots of alcohol - to get their digestion and bodies going again. But what the ancients didn't know about this pleasantly bitter-tasting "luxury vegetable" was that artichokes are even better before meals! This is because the artichoke is rich in vitamins A, B1 and folic acid, minerals and soluble fibers (including inulin). And today we know that a diet rich in fiber fills you up faster and helps to regulate your appetite. And if you feel full faster, you eat less and lose weight faster. ARTISCHOCKE 600 - with a particularly high proportion of cynarin for digestion Artichokes contain many valuable nutrients. The most important of these is cynarin. Cynarin is a plant substance that belongs to the organic caffeic acid compounds. The aromatic cynarin is primarily responsible for the production of bile, which in turn supports the digestion of dietary fats*. Artichoke against digestive problems Digestion is the process of breaking down food in the digestive tract. How long the digestion process takes depends on the food components. Carbohydrates are digested and utilized the fastest, followed by proteins. Dietary fats take the longest to be digested - this can take up to three days. This can put a lot of strain on the body. Especially after a high-fat meal or if you already have problems with digestion ... The artichoke in ARTISCHOCKE 600 supports digestion, the normal functioning of the intestinal tract and helps with digestive complaints (stomach pain, nausea, bloating, flatulence). Lower your blood lipid levels with artichokes Especially those who often eat fatty foods need a functioning fat metabolism. Fat metabolism is the breakdown of dietary fats in the digestive tract, in short: "fat digestion". This begins in the stomach and continues in the intestine. We absorb the following fats (lipids) through our food: Cholesterol (eggs, meat, etc.) Triglycerides (vegetable oils, animal fats, etc.) Fatty acids of different sizes (chain length of the molecule) and saturation (saturated or unsaturated fatty acids) The amount of these fats that we consume is reflected in our blood lipid levels. For example, high blood cholesterol levels (primarily the "bad LDL cholesterol") can have serious consequences - from circulatory disorders to heart attacks or strokes. The aim should therefore be to normalize blood lipid levels. Which brings us back to ARTISCHOCKE 600: Because artichoke can help to lower blood lipid levels*. Lose weight naturally with artichokes According to the "Study on the Health of Adults in Germany" conducted by the Robert Koch Institute in 2012, around 53% of women and 67% of men are overweight. This means that they had a BMI (body mass index) of over 25 points. Today we know that there is a connection between being overweight and the blood lipid levels already mentioned. However, artichokes not only help to lower blood lipid levels, they also promote weight loss*. ARTISCHOCKE 600 from My Perfect Shape can therefore be a particularly useful companion during a diet - in a completely natural and plant-based way. Please note: There are artichoke preparations on the market that are advertised as being able to lose 5-10 kg in just a few days by taking them. Such advertising promises are completely unrealistic and dubious. It is better to stay away from such products, which are often sold at completely inflated prices and are advertised very aggressively on TV and the Internet. Artichoke - and the liver laughs The liver plays a major role in our metabolism. It functions like a chemical factory, breaking down, converting and building up substances - and is involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The body can excrete toxic substances via the liver. It also provides bile acids for fat metabolism. These tasks make the liver absolutely vital. It is dangerous that diseases of this organ are often not recognized at first, as it is insensitive to pain. An unhealthy diet can damage the liver - and even go unnoticed for many years. With ARTISCHOCKE 600 you can rely on a particularly high-quality dietary supplement. The fact that artichoke also supports normal heart health and the normal immune system* is a less important, but all the better side effect.*Information about the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.0558 kg (152,15 €* / 1 kg)

9,99 € (179,03 € / 1 kg)
HANFSAMENÖL capsules + vitamin E
Hemp, the global health phenomenon! Hemp is currently on everyone's lips - whether as hemp oil capsules to swallow, hemp tea, hemp flour or as lip balm and soap for body care. Never before have there been so many hemp products that focus on human health. And rightly so! Because hemp is THE upcoming superfood worldwide. Science is gaining valuable new insights into "Cannabis sativa", the botanical name for real hemp, on an almost daily basis. And the fan community is growing and growing ... You should definitely try the HEMP SEED OIL capsules from Vitactiv. You can find out what the hemp plant can do in the following sections. The ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is right in hemp seeds Omega fatty acids are generally a good thing, that is well known. But what many people don't know is that a healthy diet depends on the right ratio. The ideal ratio is between 2:1 and 5:1, i.e. two to five parts omega 6 to one part omega 3. In hemp seed oil, the ratio of 3:1 is naturally perfect - just like in the hemp seed oil capsules from "Vitactiv"! Hemp seed oil - nutrients from plants can be so healthy Natural hemp seed oil supports human health in many ways: It is anti-inflammatory, supports heart health, blood vessel function, the immune system, skin health and muscle and joint function.* Hemp seed oil also helps to normalize cholesterol and blood sugar levels.* And it's all naturally plant-based. By the way: HEMP SEED OIL consists of 100 % virgin, i.e. cold-pressed oil. This natural and gentle extraction process preserves vitamins, minerals and trace elements in their original form. Vitamin E helps against oxidative stress The hemp seed oil capsules are rounded off with natural vitamin E, which helps to protect our body cells from oxidative stress.* Oxidative stress always occurs when the body is exposed to harmful influences - on the one hand from the environment (air pollution, ozone, etc.) and on the other from an unhealthy lifestyle (nicotine, alcohol, etc.). Psychological problems also generate these dangerous oxidants ("free radicals"), which age the cells more quickly and make them more susceptible to disease. Buy HANFSAMENÖL capsules + vitamin E now Bring your omega fatty acid ratio into a healthy balance! Hemp seed oil + vitamin E supports you in this - as well as your heart health, your blood vessels, your blood sugar and cholesterol levels and much more * Best buy hemp oil capsules without prescription today - pharmacy quality! *Information about the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details.

Contenuto: 0.044 kg (227,05 €* / 1 kg)

9,99 € 12,99 €

(227,05 € / 1 kg)

Integratori alimentari per il livello di colesterolo

Avete livelli elevati di lipidi nel sangue e avete bisogno di ridurre il colesterolo? Le sostanze vegetali possono aiutarvi a riequilibrare i livelli elevati di lipidi nel sangue. Per una riduzione naturale del colesterolo, consigliamo l'estratto di carciofo - contenuto in CHOLESTROSAN - che favorisce anche la perdita di peso. Scoprite subito gli integratori alimentari con ingredienti delicati e naturali.
Se si desidera ridurre il livello di colesterolo, è necessario privilegiare l'esercizio fisico e una dieta sana, per stimolare il metabolismo dei grassi e perdere grasso corporeo. Anche la sostanza vitale naturale colina contenuta in CHOLESTRO forte con BERGAVIT contribuisce a normalizzare il metabolismo dei grassi. Questo complesso contiene anche vitamina A, vitamina C, vitamina E, zinco e selenio - per il metabolismo energetico, la salute dei vasi sanguigni e molto altro.
Gli scienziati stanno attualmente studiando l'aminoacido arginina e sono già stati ottenuti risultati interessanti in singoli studi sulla riduzione dell'aumento della pressione sanguigna e anche sulla riduzione dell'aumento dei livelli di colesterolo. Insieme agli aminoacidi taurina e carnitina, che rilassano il muscolo cardiaco, è possibile un'influenza positiva sui vasi sanguigni e sul cuore; l'arginina potrebbe aiutare a ridurre i depositi nei vasi sanguigni.

Gli aminoacidi sono importanti anche per il benessere generale e la funzione metabolica.1Fonte: 1Apotheken Wissen
Con la dieta giusta, l'esercizio fisico e uno stile di vita sano, è già possibile ridurre i livelli di colesterolo. Gli esperti del cuore raccomandano soprattutto la dieta mediterranea, con molta verdura fresca, frutta, insalate, legumi, prodotti integrali, pesce, noci, erbe e oli vegetali sani come l'olio d'oliva.

Se poi si smette di fumare, si consuma poco alcol e zucchero, si riduce il peso e si fa attività fisica regolare e moderata, si è già fatto molto.2Fonte: 2HeartFoundation

If you have any questions or need advice, please contact us.

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