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SKIN & HAIR Fit Complex with Actrisave®
Our skin ... ... is a protective covering, guardian of our immune system, temperature regulator, sensory organ and vitamin D supplier all in one. It is strongly influenced by hormones. These cause skin ageing, acne and hair loss, for example. The largest human organ The human skin has an area of 1.5 to 2 m² and a weight of 10 to 14 kg. This makes it our largest organ. For some years now, the skin has increasingly taken center stage as an organ with complex hormonal properties. If there are corresponding disorders, skin diseases such as acne or hair loss can follow. In the past, bacteria and diet were mistakenly considered to be the cause of acne. Today we know that sex hormones and stress hormones influence the development of acne - and therefore the condition of the skin. What you probably didn't know about acne Acne is the most common skin condition worldwide. Even if acne colloquially appears to be a single skin disease ("blemished skin"), it is actually a collective term for similar but different diseases of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands located in the epidermis and dermis. These form "comedones", better known as pimples and blackheads. They are caused by the blockage of sebaceous glands due to increased sebum production and keratinization. During puberty, the increased release of male sex hormones (androgens) stimulates the sebaceous glands, which then produce more sebum. However, hormone fluctuations do not only occur during puberty - but also during pregnancy, the menopause and after stopping the contraceptive pill. In addition, acne often breaks out during menstruation when the skin is more oily. However, hormonal factors can lead to more than just skin problems such as acne: Hair loss can also have hormonal causes. Hair loss due to diseased skin Pathological hair loss ("alopecia") means that more than 100 hairs a day are left hanging in the brush. An estimated 1.5 million men and 500,000 women in Germany suffer from hair loss. The causes can be very different. Hormones are often the cause - i.e. the imbalance of male and female hormones - of excessive hair loss. This essentially refers to the lack of the female hormone oestrogen, the female sex hormone. The vital substances in HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex with Actrisave® can help to maintain normal skin and hair*. The branded raw material Actrisave® against hair loss The patented main ingredient Actrisave® in HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex consists of extracts of wild black rice (Oryza sativa) and prickly pear flowers (Opuntia ficus-indica), which can inhibit hair loss enzymes and cell oxidation**. Prickly pear - the cultivated plant of the Aztecs and Indians The prickly pear was already a cultivated plant of the Aztecs in what is now Mexico. The Indians were also aware of the benefits of this traditional plant, which is still used today. Prickly pear has the property of "repairing" the skin **. Black wild rice - antioxidant power The rice plant comes from the large family of sweet grasses. It is mainly cultivated in Asia. Black wild rice has a broad spectrum of fatty acids and very good antioxidant properties**. **Scientific studies show positive results Hair" study Black wild rice shows high antioxidant activity and inhibits the enzyme 5-α-reductase, which is partly responsible for hair loss. Source: Ruksiriwanich W. et al. J of Supercritical Fluids 59: 61-71 (2011) Study "Skin" Triglycerides make up more than 90 percent of dietary lipids. They provide good protection against the cold in the skin and also protect it from injury. After a two-week intake of prickly pear cactus, the oxidative damage to these lipids was reduced and the antioxidant status improved in healthy people. Source: Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Aug;80(2):391-5.Tesoriere L1, Butera D, Pintaudi AM, Allegra M, Livrea MA. Studies "Antioxidant for skin and hair" The study carried out at the University of Palermo in December 2003 confirmed that prickly pear cactus can protect cells from ageing thanks to oxidation inhibition - in combination with vitamins E and C - also against oxidative stress. Source: Supplementation with cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) fruit decreases oxidative stress in healthy humans: a comparative study with vitamin C. As early as 2004, a study found that the main flavonoids of prickly pear have an antioxidant effect. There are many indications that these "new" antioxidants are even more efficient than vitamins, as they are able to delay the prooxidative effects in proteins, DNA and lipids while stable radicals (radical scavengers) are formed. Source (2): Koti J.O.: Antioxidant compounds from four Opuntia cactus pear fruit varieties. Food Chem 85, 527-533 (2004). Study "Repairing the skin" Good news for people with acne: A wound healing test was carried out to test the cicatrizing properties of prickly pear. Conclusion: The polysaccharide and low molecular weight components of prickly pear cactus indicate structural and skin repair properties. Source: Di Lorenzo F. et al. Carbohydrate Polym. 157: 128-136. (2017) HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex - all the best for skin and hair In addition to Actrisave®, HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex contains a large number of high-dose vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They contribute to the maintenance of normal skin, hair and collagen formation as well as to the protection of cells from oxidative stress - and support the immune system*. This combination of vital substances from HAUT & HAAR Fit Complex with Actrisave® is intended for demanding women and men who want to achieve visible results in a natural way.*Information on the effects of the ingredients can be found under product details

Contenuto: 0.028 kg (606,79 €* / 1 kg)

16,99 € 21,99 €

(606,79 € / 1 kg)
Biotin - the "beauty vitamin" Beauty comes from within. Nutrition plays the biggest role here, as the body is best able to utilize the properties of the nutrients it absorbs. Healthy, fresh foods provide essential minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Vitamin B7 is essential for beautiful skin and hair : biotin.* Soy, beef liver, egg yolk and dried yeast contain the most biotin, but this is not exactly on everyone's daily menu. So if you can't meet your biotin requirements, you should choose the natural alternative: Biotin in concentrated form as a dietary supplement. Zinc - the "beauty mineral" Due to its numerous functions in our organism, zinc can be described as a true all-rounder. It is a component of almost 300 enzymes and is therefore involved in an enormous number of processes in our body. Above all, zinc has made a real name for itself as a beauty mineral, as it plays a key role in maintaining normal skin, hair and nails*. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 50% of all people are deficient in zinc, which is often due to a diet low in zinc (fast food, industrially manufactured products, vegan lifestyle). Selenium - the trace element for well-groomed hair & nails Selenium is a component of over 20 enzymes and proteins with a wide variety of properties, most importantly supporting the health of hair and nails.* The trace element is found in particularly high doses in nuts (Brazil nuts, coconuts etc.), pulses such as lentils and cereals (e.g. oat flakes). As Germany and northern European countries in particular have predominantly selenium-poor soils, this is also reflected in our diet, e.g. in cereals, potatoes and vegetables. However, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, exposure to heavy metals, smoking, stress and pregnancy can also contribute to a selenium deficiency. Who is BIOTIN ZINK & SELEN suitable for? BIOTIN ZINC & SELEN tablets are recommended for all adults who value healthy skin, hair and nails. Hair and nails need time to grow back healthily. The skin also needs time to regenerate. It is therefore advisable to take it for several months or - if necessary - permanently. BIOTIN ZINK & SELEN are a product of the Vitactiv brand BIOTIN ZINC & SELEN tablets are a product of the new Vitactiv line. The Vitactiv brand stands for: Food supplements with ingredients from nature, in the best quality and at affordable prices. The new Vitactiv product line now offers higher ranges, more effective dosages and even gentler manufacturing processes during production. Incidentally, all improved and new products will have a new look in future - including the BIOTIN ZINC & SELEN tablets. *Information on the effect of the ingredients under product details

Contenuto: 0.0912 kg (186,29 €* / 1 kg)

16,99 € 19,99 €

(186,29 € / 1 kg)
Polvere dal sapore neutro senza additivi

Contenuto: 0.3 kg (49,97 €* / 1 kg)

14,99 € 29,99 €

(49,97 € / 1 kg)
Compresse SELEN
L'oligoelemento per il sistema immunitario, i capelli e le unghie

Contenuto: 0.044 kg (225,00 €* / 1 kg)

9,90 € 15,99 €

(225,00 € / 1 kg)
Vitamine e minerali per pelle, capelli e unghie

Contenuto: 0.18 kg (88,83 €* / 1 kg)

18,99 € (105,50 € / 1 kg)
HAIR VITAL forte - Vitamine per capelli
Favorisce la pigmentazione e la conservazione dei capelli

Contenuto: 0.052 kg (345,96 €* / 1 kg)

19,99 € (384,42 € / 1 kg)

Capelli sani e curati: preziosi nutrienti di supporto

Lo zinco contribuisce in modo determinante alla salute dei capelli. Non per niente lo zinco è chiamato "oligoelemento della bellezza". Perché lo zinco non fa bene solo alle ossa, al sistema immunitario e al metabolismo, ma ha molto da offrire anche ai nostri "valori esterni":

  • Lo zinco contribuisce al mantenimento di capelli normali
  • Lo zinco contribuisce al mantenimento di unghie normali
  • Lo zinco contribuisce al mantenimento di una pelle normale

E questo non significa solo un aspetto attraente. Dopo tutto, a cosa servirebbero dei bei capelli se non fossero sani? Lo zinco promuove la salute dei capelli dall'interno, perché solo i capelli sani sono belli.

Se gli integratori alimentari devono aiutare i capelli, lo zinco è la prima scelta come ingrediente. Come le compresse di zinco bisglicinato di Vitactiv che, con 25 mg di zinco per compressa, contengono 2,5 volte il fabbisogno giornaliero raccomandato di zinco. Grazie alle compresse di zinco ad alto dosaggio, è possibile compensare rapidamente e facilmente eventuali sintomi di carenza. Le compresse sono inoltre composte da bisglicinato di zinco organico, la forma di zinco con la più alta biodisponibilità. Ciò significa che il nostro organismo è in grado di assorbirlo e utilizzarlo particolarmente bene. Come potete vedere, avere capelli sani e curati può essere così facile.

Per capelli spenti e sottili: rifornite il vostro organismo di selenio

Se i vostri capelli appaiono spenti e/o fragili, ciò potrebbe essere dovuto a una carenza di selenio. Questo oligoelemento si trova in grandi quantità nel tonno, nei reni di manzo, nei funghi porcini e nelle noci del Brasile. Questi alimenti non fanno parte della vostra dieta quotidiana? Nessun problema. Potete assicurarvi facilmente l'apporto di selenio: con SELEN 200 µg.

SELEN 200 µg di Vitactiv sono compresse vegane con selenio naturale ad alto dosaggio. L'oligoelemento è essenziale per i vostri capelli, perché:

  • Il selenio contribuisce al mantenimento di capelli normali.
  • Il selenio contribuisce alla protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo

Ma il selenio non è importante solo per i capelli: fa bene anche alle unghie, al sistema immunitario e alla funzione tiroidea. È sufficiente una compressa di SELEN 200 µg al giorno, da assumere preferibilmente con un bicchiere d'acqua (non con bevande contenenti vitamina C) durante un pasto.

Queste vitamine possono favorire una crescita sana dei capelli

Il prodotto Hair Vital forte di BOTANICY dimostra quanto i micronutrienti - ovvero vitamine, minerali e oligoelementi - siano in grado di sostenere la salute dei capelli. Il complesso di capsule è adatto ai vegetariani e contiene, oltre all'estratto di miglio, la materia prima di marca Bioperine®. Questa contiene il 95% di piperina pura, un componente del pepe che aumenta la biodisponibilità dei nutrienti nell'organismo. Anche i micronutrienti biotina (vitamina B7), zinco, rame e selenio contenuti in Hair Vital forte ne beneficiano:

  • Biotina, zinco e selenio contribuiscono al mantenimento di capelli normali.
  • La biotina e lo zinco contribuiscono al mantenimento di una pelle normale (compreso il cuoio capelluto)
  • Il rame contribuisce al mantenimento di una normale pigmentazione dei capelli

Hair Vital forte con la materia prima brevettata Bioperine® - per donne e uomini.

Una capsula, tanti ingredienti preziosi: beneficiate del complesso di sostanze vitali

Il vantaggio di un complesso di sostanze vitali è quello di combinare diversi ingredienti che si integrano e si completano a vicenda. Il complesso di sostanze vitali per pelle, capelli e unghie con vitamine, oligoelementi, aminoacidi ed estratti vegetali è uno di questi. Le sostanze vitali sono destinate alla salute dei capelli, della pelle e delle unghie. Per quanto riguarda i capelli, il complesso di sostanze vitali Wunderschön ha le seguenti caratteristiche:

  • Biotina, zinco e selenio contribuiscono al mantenimento di capelli normali.
  • La vitamina B2, la vitamina B3, la biotina e lo zinco contribuiscono al mantenimento di una pelle normale (compreso il cuoio capelluto)
  • Il rame contribuisce al mantenimento di una normale pigmentazione dei capelli

Il complesso di sostanze vitali per pelle, capelli e unghie di Pure Ella è un prodotto appositamente sviluppato dalle donne per le donne, con il quale è possibile assumere comodamente zinco e selenio insieme a molte altre preziose sostanze vitali per i capelli.

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