What exactly are amino acids and what role do they play in the body? We shed light on this question here. We also introduce you to different types of amino supplements.
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1. what are amino acids - simply explained?
Whether in the gym or on a lifestyle blog: amino acids, often abbreviated as aminos, are an important component in the formation of proteins and are therefore vital for our bodies. Chemically speaking, amino acids consist of nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. A special amino group, the L-α-amino acids, are the building blocks of our body cells. Over 400 different amino acids are known in nature, but only 21 of these are important for us humans. These proteinogenic amino acids are crucial for protein formation, in which the molecules are linked together to form complex proteins. Researchers have found that a single protein molecule can be made up of thousands of amino acids, with even small proteins being composed of around 50 amino acids. The human body alone contains at least 20,000 different proteins.1 Proteins make up about 14-18% of our organism2 - without them, nothing would work.
2 What do amino acids do in the body?
As we have seen, amino acids are important for the formation of proteins. The latter are necessary for the formation of antibodies, tissue, muscle fibers, hair, but also hormones and enzymes. Above all, the tissue structures of our skeletal muscles, which form the basic framework of our musculoskeletal system, need proteins. As processes for which proteins are important are constantly taking place in our body, we need a regular supply of amino acids.
This applies in particular to the need for essential amino acids. Unlike non-essential amino acids, our body cannot produce these on its own - we have to get them from our food. To be adequately supplied, an adult should consume around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day. A woman weighing around 60 kg needs around 50 grams of protein per day. Pregnant women, athletes and older people have an increased need for protein. However, when it comes to protein intake, it is not only the quantity that is important, but also how well the body can absorb it.
3 Which are the 9 essential amino acids?
Our body can produce most of the necessary amino acids itself - except for the 9 essential amino acids. Leucine, isoleucine and valine in particular, known as BCAAs, play a key role, not only in muscle building, but also as important messenger substances that influence muscle regeneration and endurance. Anyone who exercises frequently and wants to build muscle mass should therefore pay particular attention to the supply of these 9 essential amino acids:
Leucine: This amino acid is important for building as well as maintaining and regenerating muscles. Leucine belongs to the BCAAs, the branched chain amino acids. These are particularly important for athletes as they are quickly absorbed by the metabolism and help the muscles to regenerate more quickly.
Lysine: It also plays a role in muscle maintenance, but also has a role in thefat metabolismis of great importance.
Methionine : Also important as it forms the amino acid cysteine, which in turn is involved in protein synthesis and, together with lysine, enables the production of carnitine. Carnitine is important for burning fat.
Phenylalanine: In addition to proteins, phenylalanine is also used to produce hormones such as dopamine and adrenaline.
Threonine: This amino acid is used to absorbvitamin B12needed.
Further information:WHAT IS VITAMIN B12 GOOD FOR?
Tryphtophan: The good-mood amino acid, as it is essential for the formation of the happiness hormone serotonin.
Valine: Splays a decisive role in the energy supply of muscle cells and the function of the nervous system. Valine is also a BCAA and is often used by athletes to optimize strength and endurance.
Histidine: This amino acid is important for the transportation of oxygen in the blood and many metabolic processes, but also for the repair of tissue damage.
L-arginine: This amino acid has the highest proportion of nitrogen molecules. In the body, it produces nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels, maintains vascular health and, according to studies, can even significantly improve it.3You can thereforelower blood pressure with L-arginine- in a natural way.4
In addition to the essential amino acids, there is also a so-called semi-essential amino acid. The body can produce this itself, but only to a very limited extent. It should therefore also be supplied through food.
4 Which foods contain amino acids?
- Chicken breast meat
- beef
- peas
- salmon
- eggs
- walnuts
- Brazil nuts
- cashews
- Whole grain products
- Tofu
- broccoli
- spinach
- Corn
- spirulina
- Cheese
5 Which amino acids and proteins are right for me?
If you do sport and want to build muscle, you need to make sure you have a sufficient supply of amino acids. Depending on your training goals and individual preferences, you can choose different amino acids and proteins as dietary supplements:
Organic protein: If you want to give your body what it needs when training or losing weight, you should not do without protein products. Not only can you now choose from a wide variety of flavors, but you can also opt for protein products made from milk and plant protein or vegan variants.
Vegan protein:The targeted combination of various plant-based protein sources such as hemp, pumpkin, rice, peas, lupins and sunflower seeds ensures that vegan supplements have a high bioavailability.high bioavailability is achieved.
Long-term protein: Casein and whey protein provide proteins that are particularly long-lasting.
Lose weight with protein: Protein is well suited to satiety due to its low glycemic index. That is why a low-calorie protein powder such asthe EIWEISS-DIÄT-SHAKE from My Perfect Shapeis recommended when losing weight.
Build muscle with protein: For more muscle mass and definition, athletes particularly like to use whey protein from whey - thanks to its high bioavailability, it is absorbed extremely quickly.
Individual amino acids: BCAAs in particular enjoy great popularity among athletes. L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine are ideal for demanding strength or endurance training. For additional support, bodybuilders rely on amino acids such as arginine. This is contained in our L-ARGININ Complex, for example .
Conclusion: Amino acids are important building blocks for our health
Amino acids are essential for almost all functions in our body - and are crucial for maintaining, regenerating and building new muscles. Particularly during a diet, care should be taken to consume all 9 essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. As athletes have an increased protein requirement, they can also benefit from amino acids in the form of high-quality food supplements.
1Levin, Buck: Environmental Nutrition: Understanding the Link Between Environment, Food Quality, and Disease, HingePin, Washington, 1999, p. 44.