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Table of contents

  1. What is vitamin B?
  2. What B vitamins are there and why do we need them?
  3. What are the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency?
  4. What is the daily requirement for vitamin B and which foods provide B vitamins?
  5. How can you supplement B vitamins?

1 What is vitamin B?

Let's start with the question: What is vitamin B? What we call vitamin B is actually a whole group of organic compounds that our body needs for many important functions. The structure of these substances is completely different, but they all have one thing in common: they form a precursor of coenzymes that play an important role in our metabolism. Our body cannot produce B vitamins itself, so they must be supplied through food.

Most B vitamins are water-soluble and are therefore quickly washed out of the body. As a result, they are not stored, or only to a very limited extent. To ensure that our body has access to the important B vitamins at all times, they must therefore be taken regularly. Anyone who eats an unbalanced diet over a long period of time and consumes too few foods containing B vitamins can therefore develop a deficiency.

2 What B vitamins are there and why do we need them?

Now that we have clarified the question "What is vitamin B" to the effect that there is not just one vitamin B, but several, let's take a closer look at the individual B vitamins. There are a total of eight different B vitamins. Each B vitamin is assigned a number. Don't get confused: the consecutive numbering has some gaps, as science has discovered at some point that the substances formerly declared as B vitamins do not meet the criteria of a vitamin after all and therefore cannot be considered vitamins .

The individual B vitamins are:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine): This vitamin plays a role in the metabolism of muscles, nerves and the brain. It was the first vitamin ever discovered. Various factors can lead to an increased need for vitamin B1 - these include, for example, pregnancy or chronic intestinal problems. However, people who consume a lot of alcohol, coffee or tea or are very active in sports can also have an increased need for vitamin B1.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): Vitamin B2 is needed for iron and energy metabolism. People who are breastfeeding, smoke cigarettes frequently or drink alcohol often have an increased vitamin B2 requirement.

Vitamin B3 (niacin): This vitamin is also known as nicotinic acid. It is also used to improve blood lipid levels or to support the treatment of diabetes and arthritis1.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): This vitamin is often added to cosmetic products. However, pantothenic acid is also needed in the body for energy metabolism and mental performance.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal): It is particularly important during growth that vitamin B6 is consumed in sufficient quantities. The correct supply of this B vitamin is important for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Women in particular should ensure that they cover their vitamin B6 requirements: Those taking the contraceptive pill often need more vitamin B6 - at the same time, vitamin B6 can also regulate hormone activity. This is why the vital substance complex for women with PMS from PURE ELLA contains vitamin B6 as well as vitamin C, zinc and plant extracts.

Vitamin B7 (biotin): This vitamin is also known as biotin or vitamin H. It plays a role in the maintenance of normal skin. It plays an important role in maintaining normal skin, hair and nails. In the Feelgood Shop, vitamin B7 is also available as delicious strawberry-flavored fruit gums: BIOTIN Gummies from BeLive

Vitamin B9 (folic acid): Sometimes referred to as vitamin B11, this substance is important for cell division and blood formation. Pregnant women have an increased need for folic acid. We therefore offer the folic acid + vitamin B12 complex as an optimal dosage in one tablet.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): Vitamin B12 is essential during growth, but also for the formation of red blood cells and for maintaining normal nerve function. Vitamin B12 is the only B vitamin that can be stored in the body, yet vitamin B12 deficiency is widespread in the population - and not just among vegetarians and vegans, as is often assumed: one in ten people are affected, and even one in four over the age of 652. If you want to specifically prevent a vitamin B12 deficiency, you can take vitamin B12 from Vitactiv Natural Nutrition. It consists of high-quality methylcobalamin, the most active co-enzyme form of vitamin B12, and is also suitable for vegans.


3. what are the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency?

A vitamin B deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms - depending on which B vitamin the body is deficient in. The possible symptoms of a B vitamin deficiency can include the following:

- Paralysis and nerve inflammation:
The so-called beriberi disease can be caused by a long-term deficiency of vitamin B1. It is particularly common in Southeast Asia, where the diet based on polished rice provides too little vitamin B1. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to nerve disorders.

- skin cracks:
A typical symptom of vitamin B2 deficiency is painful small cracks in the corners of the mouth, but also on the eyes and nose. If you do not consume enough vitamin B5 or vitamin B7 - i.e. biotin - this can also lead to cracked and dry skin and skin inflammation.

- Anemia:
Various B vitamins play an important role in cell division, and this is essential for blood formation in the bone marrow. A lack of vitamins B2, B9 and B12 in particular can lead to anaemia.

- Skin diseases:
Pellagra is the name of the disease caused by an unbalanced diet with too little vitamin B3. It also occurs mainly in poor countries and manifests itself in scaly and rough patches of skin.

- Brittle hair:
If you suffer from hair that breaks quickly, you may be suffering from a vitamin B5 deficiency. This is why vitamin B5 - along with biotin, copper, selenium and zinc - is an important component of the hair vitamins HAIR Vital forte.

- Metabolic disorders:
If fat metabolism is disturbed, a biotin deficiency may be the cause in some cases.

- Weakness of the immune system: Weak immune system:
If the immune system is weakened and infections occur frequently, this may also be due to a vitamin B6 or B12 deficiency.

- Poor wound healing:
If you are prone to wound healing disorders, you should also have your vitamin B9 status checked.

- Depressive disorders:
When people suffer from depression, a vitamin deficiency is often not considered - although a long-term vitamin B12 and B7 deficiency can also promote depression3.

4. what is the daily requirement for vitamin B and which foods provide B vitamins?

Many foods that should be part of a balanced diet contain B vitamins. The daily requirement of B vitamins can vary depending on age and can be higher in certain phases of life, such as during pregnancy. In principle, however, the following information applies4:

Vitamin / daily requirement / food
- Vitamin B1 1.0-1.2 mg Meat, beans, whole grains
- Vitamin B2 1.1-1.4 mg Eggs, meat, broccoli
- Vitamin B3 12-15mg Poultry, salmon, whole grains
- Vitamin B5 6 mg Calf's liver, peanuts, peas
- Vitamin B6 1.2-1.5 mg Walnuts, meat, bananas
- Vitamin B7 30-60 µg Beef liver, peanuts, eggs
- Vitamin B9 300 µg spinach, broccoli, eggs
- Vitamin B12 3 µg Calf's liver, herring, cheese, eggs

5. how can you supplement B vitamins?

We often don't get around to eating a balanced diet in everyday life. As our body cannot produce B vitamins itself and can hardly store them, deficiency symptoms can occur in some cases. The Feelgood Shop offers high-quality vitamin B products to ensure your vitamin B supply - many of which are organic. Whether specific B vitamins such as VITAMIN B12 500 mcg or combined products such as vitamin B50 complex - here you will find food supplements of tested quality with purely natural ingredients and particularly high bioavailability. Our vitamin B supplements are available as capsules, tablets, liquid sticks and sprays.

4D-A-CH reference values; Elmadfa/Aign/Muskat/Fritzsche: Nutritional calorie table (2018/2019)